BeastTokens - Custom currency icon

BeastTokens - Custom currency -----

MultiShop, MySql , MobCoins, Fishing, Supports: TokenEnchantand & MythicMobs

Support for 1.17

Changed permission for token drops:
BeastTokens.TokenDrops.Type.Mobs.Zombie for specific mob
BeastTokens.TokenDrops.Type.Mobs.* for all mobs

BeastTokens.TokenDrops.Type.MythicMobs.Zombie for specific mob
BeastTokens.TokenDrops.Type.MythicMobs.* for all mobs

BeastTokens.TokenDrops.Type.Mining.Iron_Ore" for specific block
BeastTokens.TokenDrops.Type.Mining.*" for all blocks

BeastTokens.TokenDrops.Type.Farming.Carrots" for specific block
BeastTokens.TokenDrops.Type.Farming.*" for all blocks

A lot of optimization and expanding API for future updates

Added Rotating Shop which randomly rotates specific items on timer
rotating shop.png

Separated admin from player commands
Player /BeastTokens
Admin /BeastTokensAdmin

For both command you can set aliases in config.yml

New Command" /BeastTokensAdming forceOpenShop %player% %shop%

Blocks Drops are renamed to Mining

Added new check for Farming if crops are fully grown so player can't spam and glitch not grown ones.

Changed layout of shop your old shops will be converted and will not be compatible any more with older version so recommend to make backups.

Mostly this will be it for this update.

Changed how saving of tokens is handled some servers were experiencing crashes on server shutdown with to many players

Fixed bugs with player shop limits

Next update planing to add multiple pages support.
And option to modify items thru gui in game

As always if u find any errors hit me up on discord I will be glad to help
----------, Jun 17, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 672
First Release: Apr 3, 2016
Last Update: Today at 1:08 AM
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
65 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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