ChatItem - Display items in chat! icon

ChatItem - Display items in chat! -----

Display items in chat! Hover over them to see info and name. Supports ALL chat formatting plugins.

Tons of bugfixes, performance improvements and 1.7 support!
The title pretty much sums it all up. Many bugfixes were added, performance has been improved by creating separate listeners for different versions (which means less flow control statements, resulting in a potentially better performance), and I've finally added 1.7 support. The development process has been slowed down by many factors, but the most important one was fixing the console bug (which displayed <playername> after each message in the console)
----------, Oct 14, 2016
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 86,525
First Release: Feb 26, 2016
Last Update: Nov 7, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
147 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings