A Minecraft to Discord and back linkage plugin.
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Version History
Build 1.21.0
Added API methods for sending fake join/leave messages
Added multi regex pattern-replacement options for Discord <-> Minecraft and console messages (previous filtering options are now gone)
Group synchronization can be one way
Added a config option for uploading plugins into the console channel and them being added to the server automatically (disabled by default)
Add message prompting the user to check if they copied the client secret instead of bot token when the token in the config is 32 characters long
Add support for target selectors in the broadcast command
Add linked nickname back to people when they rejoin the server
Added the EnablePresenceInformation config option for keeping presence data for some of our PlaceholderAPI placeholders
Accounts can now be linked together manually, /discord link <minecraft username/uuid> <Discord user id/username#discriminator>
discordsrv.resync is now included in discordsrv.admin
Added debug messages for invalid bot token and disallowed intents
Alerts now accept channel ids in the Channel option
Added a options to block or bypass banned players in the require linked account module
Added PlaceholderAPI compatability to DiscordConsoleChannelFormat
Fix for usernames containing "Clyde" not sending as a webhook message
Fixed a error when the plugin is disabled on the wrong thread
Fixed fields not being registered for embed messages
Fixed a error when Fields aren't defined for a alert
Fixed BungeeCord's chat api being included in the jar
Fixed ForcedLanguage not being loaded in properly
Fixed the chatting prefix option name in the bstats features pie
Fixed some issues with a incompatible Chatty version
Fixed color code stripping not happening before DiscordConsoleChannelDoNotSendPhrases is processed
Fixed lag with LuckPerms contexts & the MySQL linked accounts backend
Fix a NPE in Debug generation
Fixed group synchronization with managed roles not working (always Discord -> Minecraft)
Fixed the bot not giving it's self permission to move members in voice channels
Fixed Mute users who bypass speak permissions in the lobby config option not being checked
Advancement names should now match the ones that are displayed ingame
Fixed role pings in the server watchdog
Fixed the cancellation detector not detecting chat listeners registered before it is enabled
Made more messages translatable in the messages.yml
The voice module has been partially rewritten, and should now work faster than before
The voice module's strengths are now split into horizontal and vertical
Changed member caching to keep all members in cache, also fixed some things that report how many members are online in the main Discord server
Updated to LunaChat's API to 3.x
Changed the internal linked account map to be more efficient with looking up by player
Moved alerts to be fully asynchronous, reducing lag
The plugin now disables itself if the token isn't valid (not set or too short)
Only log vault groups once, log both permission grants & denies in-line in group sync
Make zPermissions group sync command triggers case insensitive
The console channel id is now reloadable
The PlaceholderAPI expansion now allows lookups via OfflinePlayer
Vanished players will no longer be nickname synchronized to keep them hidden
Stacktraces are now visible in debug reports
The bot now forces the Speak permission to be denied to the default role in voice lobbies
Dec 11, 2020
View on SpigotMC
Resource Information
Total Downloads:
First Release:
Feb 15, 2016
Last Update:
Jan 3, 2025
All-Time Rating:
621 ratings
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