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DiscordSRV -----

A Minecraft to Discord and back linkage plugin.

Build 1.20.0
Discord is going to require users to specify if the bots require advanced information about server members on October 7th. DiscordSRV requires one of these options to be enabled for it to function properly. You will need to enable this for your bot(s) and update DiscordSRV before October 7th.

Note that we updated the Installation instructions on the wiki to already enable this on the 27th of May, so if you've installed DiscordSRV using those instructions you likely already have this option checked. All that's left is updating the plugin to 1.20.0

If you haven't, you can enable it for each bot by doing the following:
  1. Go to https://discord.com/developers/applications & click on your DiscordSRV bot.
  2. Click on the "Bot" tab at the left.
  3. Enable the "SERVER MEMBERS INTENT" option under "Privileged Gateway Intents" and click "Save Changes".
  • Added the NoopHostnameVerifier debug option
  • Added support for Chatty chat plugin API when it's released
  • Added support for pre/suffixing console messages
  • You can now separate awards/broadcasts/deaths/dynmap/join/leave/watchdog into their own channels in the config as opposed to everything being sent to the main channel
  • Warning for having the PlaceholderAPI expansion installed (it’s now integrated!)
  • Added JDA events to alerts
  • Added logging for scheduler tasks that still run during onDisable & make MCStats use a different thread (to get Paper to hopefully not yell at us (hopefully))
  • Added DiscordSRV to list of PlugMan ignored plugins
  • Added %usernamenoescapes% and %displaynamenoescapes% #825
  • The broadcast command now accepts legacy (&3, &4, etc.) color codes if the broadcast reserializer is enabled
  • Group synchronization debug messages now contain a lot more information about why the bot can't interact with users
  • Blacklisted PlayerHandshakeEvent and PlayerChatEvent* events from alerts
  • Made events in alerts register only the ones being used
* AsyncPlayerChatEvent is recommended instead. The normal (sync) PlayerChatEvent was causing Paper to switch the entire chat to sync mode which broke a lot of things, one of them being team colors.

  • Cleaned up the Russian translation files (Thanks, DelfikPro!)
  • The UltimateChat hook now works :)
  • Lots of fixes to alerts (including command alerts not triggering, most event alerts not triggering, team colors breaking & getting disconnected with an invalid packet error)
  • Fix NPE with reload command & alert listener
  • discordsrv.sync.deny. should be discordsrv.sync.deny. in the comments
  • Fixed rgb colors not being removed from console messages sent to Discord
If you need any of the following information:
  • Discord server invites
  • Discord server presences**
  • Discord server message reactions
  • Discord server message typing
  • Direct message reactions
  • Direct message typing
You will need to indicate that to DiscordSRV with DiscordSRV.api.requireIntent(intent)

If you run into an issue with the API and can’t figure out what to do, feel free to hop into our #coding channel and we will help you sort it out.

** This intent is privileged, Discord requires that the user enables the intent on the Discord developer portal. This requires the CLIENT_STATUS and/or ACTIVITY cache flag(s), which can be indicated with DiscordSRV.api.requireCacheFlag(cacheFlag)
----------, Sep 28, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 716,553
First Release: Feb 15, 2016
Last Update: Jan 3, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
621 ratings
Find more info at discordsrv.com...
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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