There was an issue with 1.17.0 that when performing a debug report, the JDBC username and password config options weren't redacted. This is more/less the only change between 1.17.1 and 1.17.0. The options were added in last-minute and it skipped my mind to make them censored in the debug reports, my bad. People who have made debug reports with those options configured are fine, no need to change users/passwords. The Bin server that the debug reports use stores all of it's information encrypted with a key that the server itself doesn't even know. Be aware that if you've sent a debug link to anyone on 1.17.0, they might've seen the credentials.
1.17.0 changelog:
- MySQL support for linked accounts!!!1!1!! Look for it in the config under Experiment_JdbcAccountLinkBackend
- MCDiscordReserializer experiment, converts text between Minecraft (&l, &o, &n, &m) and Discord (**, *, __, ~~) formatting
- Webhook avatars can now be 3d renders instead of 2d, toggleable with WebhookAvatarsAre3d
- Fall back to first channel in the case of only one when no chat hooks enabled because people don't know how to configure the channels correctly
- Heads for webhook messages now use Crafatar instead of Minotar
- /discord reload now reloads channels & colors
- Group synchronization now skips the owner of the guild
- Issue with people not having a role not having their chat sent to Minecraft
- Issue with console DoNotSendPhrases
- Issue with DiscordChatChannelCutPhrases not cutting properly
- McMMO plugin hook enabling when it shouldn't
- Rare issue with mismatched okio classes
- Rare issue with JDA not properly recognizing newer channel types
- Rare issue with JDA not properly shutting down, stalling server for up to 30 seconds at shutdown
- Rare issue with some JVMs not supporting 256-bit AES, use /discord debug 128 in that case
- Text is stripped in more logical places