This plugin allow the players to vote for kick,ban,unban,timeDay,timeNight (and more features for votes). When the action reach "x" votes (default required votes:3, edit in config.yml), it will do the action.
This plugin use
bStats. For more informations about what data collects and how to disable it visit
bStats page.
Other plugins by me:
Enhanced Crafting: here
[GUI] Admin Utils:
[GUI] Ultimate Report:
1. Put jarfile "Ultimate_Vote.jar" in /plugins/
2. Start the server.
3. Edit in config.yml the required votes for do the action.
4. Enjoy the plugin.
/vote {action} - Example: /vote kick <playerName>.
/vote list - For all the list of actions.
/vote save - Save the config.
/votes - See the currently votes
Normal permissions
uvote.* - Allowed all
Normal permissions
uvote.ban - Allow to /vote ban
uvote.unban - Allow to /vote unban
uvote.kick - Allow to /vote kick
uvote.timeday - Allow to /vote timeday
uvote.timenight - Allow to /vote timenight
uvote.weathersun - Allow to /vote weathersun
uvote.weatherstorm - Allow to /vote weatherstorm
uvote.showvotes - Allow to view the currently votes. (/votes) - Allow to save the config.
Bypass permissions
uvote.bypass.* - You can't be voted for both voteKick and voteBan.
uvote.bypass.kick - You can't be voted for voteKick.
uvote.bypass.ban - You can't be voted for voteBan.