Added the getLikeRatio(), getLikePercentage(), and getDisLikePercentage() methods to the Warp class.
Some function methods with the Manager class were modified to take in new filter search mechanics.
► Plugin Changes ►
Warps are now sorted alphabetically and take like-to-dislike ratio into consideration.
The warp creation command now has economy checks and charges the usage-cost defined in the list-menu-section.
The following was added to the menus.yml under list-menu-section:
search-status-format: "Search: "
Reworked the Like/Dislike bar found on warp icons (properly displays proportions and ratio).
The sorting function now prioritizes the correct like ratio now.
Added a new "Search" filter which will now find warps by an entered player or warp name.
Entering a search variable that is NOT a warp name will now open the list menu directly into search mode with that entered value.
Added the {not-owner} tag for the list-lore-format in the config.yml.
This was done to hide the &a(Shift + Left-Click) &eBegin the warp rating process. text when the owner views the warp icon. It is recommended to make this change in your config.yml.
The following messages were added to the lang.yml:
search-interaction: "&ePlease enter some text to filter names by (Type &a{cancel} &eto stop the interaction):"
RTP now operates the async chunk loading from paper spigot's API on a synchronous task separate from its asynchronous task timer. This means there will likely be an increase off tick usage on servers that do NOT have their worlds pre-generated.
The configuration auto-updater now fixes the sound-name under each item within the menus.yml.
Added the teleport-spawn-delay message to the lang.yml and replaced the teleport-spawn message with new text.
If a configuration already exists, the teleport-spawn message will need to be adjusted.
Added the standalone-teleport-title, standalone-teleport-sub-title, spawn-teleport-title, and spawn-teleport-sub-title to the config.yml.
Added configurable teleport and delay animations to the most teleport-related commands (config.yml).
The spawn and standalone teleportation features now display titles while some inherit an animation as well now.
Fixed an issue causing the /tpaccept command to state no tpa requests exist, despite being successful.
Fixed an issue causing the change warp status button from the edit menu to pull invalid naming conventions.
Fixed an issue with alphabetization, traffic, and like sorting.
Fixed an issue with random teleportation IllegalStateExceptions within Minecraft 1.12.
Fixed an issue with title & action bar packet support in versions under Minecraft 1.13.
Fixed an issue with the global-sounds section from the config.yml not adjusting to versions under Minecraft 1.13.
Fixed an issue preventing HeadDatabase support from working properly (Setting the material of an item to HEAD:<ID>).
Corrected the add-command message in the lang.yml.