Standalone teleportation, aside from admin-based commands, has been swapped over to the teleportation handler. This means they all now have delays, animations, and sounds!
Implemented the “standalone-delay-duration” option and the “basic-teleportation-engaged” message due to the change above.
Implemented the BasicTeleportationEvent for developers which fires from standalone teleportation commands such as /back and /tpo.
The MySQL connection configuration section now has the “properties” section nested under it. This new section can have values added/removed that are used to disable things like SSL and even enable auto-reconnect.
The edit menu’s change status action button now shows admin as the next status when the user does not have the “hyperdrive.admin.status” permission.
Added the “/warps assistants <warp>” and “/warps list <warp>” commands to the plugin. These commands give more information about which players are associated with the warp aside from the role of ownership. These commands also use the “hyperdrive.admin.list” and “hyperdrive.use.list” permissions.
The “hyperdrive.admin.signs” permission is now required for the creation of warp signs.
The TPA request-based command all now have a cooldown which is also separate from other mechanics. TPA requests will also only cancel when the player takes damage if the “damage-cancellation” is enabled in the configuration. Cancellation is not affected by movement as it is NOT part of the same delay system.
Implemented Paper Spigot async chunk retrieving method detection. When using paper spigot, teleportation, in general, will perform significantly better.
Transferred most task-related events to an off thread bringing animations, teleportation finders, and more to an asynchronous environment.
Removed the HookCheckEvent completely. The RandomTeleportEvent, BasicTeleportEvent, and WarpEvents are the events that can be used in its place. Each of these events fires directly after integrated hooks are checked similar to the system before.
Re-worked random teleportation for better performance and adaptation directed toward the environment.
Removed the “/rtp <world>” command since it was conflicting with the “/rtp <player>” command at random times. The “/rtp <player> <world>” command is the replacement command.
► Bug Fixes ►
Resolved an issue where long decimal values would interfere with the functionality of the spawn location when attempting to use the “/spawn” command.
Resolved an issue involving warp re-naming. Warp data would not save as it was still using old data storage methods that do not function with SQLite.
Resolved an issue involving warp creation to replace symbols in the name.