Be careful with this update if you are using the MySQL side of things. Please try this out on a test database or add the 'likes' and 'dislikes' columns to your warps table before updating. I also HIGHLY recommend copying out your configuration and then pasting in your old information into the new configuration just so you can have the full potential of the new feature as there are some actions that can't be disabled.
► Additions ►
Added the new like and dislike rating system for warps. Players can like and dislike warps once on a single warp (even the same one) after a configurable cooldown. From this update onward, warps are now sorted based on who has the most positivelikes. Owners and assistants can't like their own warps.
Alongside the new system, the new 'like-menu-section' GUI was added as well.
► Changes ►
Nothing was truly changed other than the configuration files.