►HyperDrive | Advanced Teleportation Plugin ► icon

►HyperDrive | Advanced Teleportation Plugin ► -----

A high-class warp plugin allowing you and your players to warp through space and time w/High control

► 5.0 (Major Update Re-Code) ►
With this update comes many changes, fixes, improvements, and new features. This being said, please reset your configuration files except for your warps folder. Since pretty much everything was changed I will note some of the key features below:

P.S. Your warps will convert automatically; however, remove your warps folder after the plugin loads for the first time!

  • Smart Bounds is a new random teleportation feature that will remove 0.5% of the defined bound size upon every try until the bounds reach zero to find a safe location quicker than normal. Smart Bounds also checks below any found safe location with the material AIR to ensure the material under is safe as well to minimize false indication that a location is not safe.

  • The configuration detection system has been implemented, depending on the server version the plugin will copy a built-in preset for it (Please let me know if there are any issues involving missed materials or values for a specific version).

  • Warp loading/saving are now done via async-timers and enable/disable of the plugin. This allows HyperDrive to control things internally at all times. This change makes Database or Flatfile have no difference in terms of on the go management.

  • MySQL saving/loading has been brought back for those who need it for storage management. The database defined in the configuration must be created prior to loading, however.

  • Public, Private, and Server warp menus were combined into one /w a filter switcher button allowing the user to choose what warps show in the interface. In addition to this change, the warp shop is no longer a feature. If players want to sell/trade warps then ownership can be manipulated through editing a warp.

  • Group teleportation is currently the only interface that is a form of player-head selection GUI. This feature was changed from a fully-functional group system to an instance based group system in hopes to make the feature more intuitive and easier to use.

  • Essentials and HyperDrive old warp converters are automatic and will run on startup. Existing warps will never be replaced. HyperDrive warps will be converted from the original warps folder and essentials will be converted from their original location as well (No changes or movement necessary). Always backup warps, but warps are never deleted from their original locations since HyperDrive now detects if a warp by the found name already exists.

  • Cross-Server teleportation is now fully functional, but the process is done via MySQL. When MySQL is enabled in the configuration, the ‘/crossserver’ command becomes available for use. This is the only way to cross-server teleport within HyperDrive currently. The future may enable cross-warping, but as of right now that is not necessary.

  • HyperDrive signs can be made using the following format:
    • First Line -> [HyperDrive] or [HD]
    • Second Line -> Warp, Rtp, Group Warp, or Group Rtp
    • Third Line -> Warp Name or World Name (If using the Rtp and not the Group Rtp)
----------, May 14, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 766
First Release: Jan 20, 2016
Last Update: May 4, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
102 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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