This is a small update that deals with some un-intended values and features that originally didn't harm the plugin, but it does improve performance overall. This update also marks the official end of the Thanksgiving sale.
Fix ► - Fixed an unintended calculation performed by the Random Teleportation feature when the world's border is greater than 35,000.
Fix ► - Fixed an unintended calculation when animation ratios are set above the value of 20 (Animations would go berserk and fly everywhere, this change/fix calms the reaction down).
Fix ► - Fixed an unintended minor exploit with group warping where if any group member aside the leader was attacked during teleportation, the teleportation was cancelled for the group, but not the attacked player.
Fix ► - Fixed an unintended menu flicker for the Edit Warp Menu (This is still being investigated, but the original issue was that the menu had an unintentional delay as it is one of the few "non-async" menus).
Optimization ► - Polished the event actions by stopping code from running if it was unnecessary to run at a specific time.