This update is very important please read everything that is written otherwise HyperDrive is more than likely NOT going to work for you when you update to this build.
I recommend when updating to this version either open the new ‘config.yml’ and apply any changes to your old ‘config.yml’ or just reset it entirely. Due to the 1.13 Id removal HyperDrive was under some heavy recoding configuration wise to prepare for the new Minecraft 1.13 update. Below I provided all the messages that were changed in the ‘lang.yml’, so you guys don’t have to reset that configuration. The ‘menus.yml’ only needs to be tweaked the ‘Id’ option under each item in every menu was replaced with ‘Material’ and takes the type name as a string, for example, ‘Material: “GRASS”’ instead of ‘Id: 2’. Also, under the ‘Edit Menu’ section the ‘Change Id’ item was changed to ‘Change Material’. The ‘hooks.yml’ was untouched.
What was changed in HyperDrive 3.8.2?
Each configuration was changed to support and match the upcoming huge change in Minecraft 1.13.
All MySQL database functionality was officially removed.
The usage of Material IDs is now completely gone you may only use material names. I know this is a huge change and is hurtful, but I wanted to push this change out before 1.13 hits.
Added the ‘Creation Date Format’ option under the ‘Icons’ section, which is under the ‘Options’ section.
Fixed many console errors when running some of the teleportation related commands.
Change some messages to support the upcoming 1.13 update as well. You can view these further down.
Changed some other features to also support the upcoming 1.13 update.
Replaced the 'hyperdrive.edit.changeid' permission with 'hyperdrive.edit.changematerial'.
What messages in the 'lang.yml' were changed to what?
The 'Id Blocked' message was replaced with the following:
Code (Text):
Material Blocked: "&cThe material &e%material% &ccan not be used here."
The 'Invalid Id' message was replaced with the following:
Code (Text):
Invalid Material: "&cThat material is invalid. You can find a full material list here:"
The 'Changed Id' message was replaced with the following:
Code (Text):
Changed Material: "&eThe warp icon material has been changed to &a%material%:%durability%&e."
The 'Change Id' message was replaced with the following:
Code (Text):
Change Material: "&ePlease enter the new material you would like your warp icon to take form as:"