I do want to mention that updates will be chilling out again I only provide this many updates back to back when I have time to actually tackle tasks I wanted to do to HyperDrive, so no worries about constantly updating haha. Also please note whenever I change the title of the HyperDrive page the JSON messages for the UpdateChecker will have issues. I'm still looking for a better way to implement this, so this is a known issue!
What was changed in HyperDrive v3.8?
Tweaked the standalone teleportation commands, so players are unable to TPA to themselves.
Added the warp animation to the standalone teleportation commands.
Tweaked the /tpaccept and /tpdeny commands, so it does not require a player argument now!
Increased sorting speed by 0.3 milliseconds (I know it's not a lot, but figured I would tell you .