Following popular demand and on a mission to make Jukebox easier to use, we've now got WorldGuard support.
This isn't necessary - if WorldGuard isn't installed the plugin will automatically disable all region based features and run without it.
Also note that we support the priority of WorldGuard regions - we'll only play the audio of the highest priority region which has music assigned to it (regions without this are ignored).
New Commands:
- /jukebox region add <id> <url> (specifies which audio clip should play when users visit a particular region)
- /jukebox region remove <id> (stops Jukebox from listening for a particular region)
We've also made a number of more minor changes:
- /jukebox now displays your URL as a clickable piece of text which is much shorter and looks more professional.
- Added a help page which displays when an unknown command is typed, to help users.
- Performance improvements, as usual.