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MCJukebox -----

Hosted web audio client, play music without downloads. New Sound Center alternative.

The Big, Mega Crazy, Jumbo packed update! (2.0)
Nope, MCJukebox isn't having a baby. But it has just got a whole lot bigger with the 2.0 update. I promised something big after a few months of non-stop exams and am so happy to be able to finally release it.

The boring (but important) warning ;): This is a breaking update due to the number of internal changes. Plugins which require MCJukebox won't work if you update, until they also release an update. It's also a good idea to back up your server, in case anything goes wrong and you need to restore data.

  1. Stop your server, and take a backup of the JukeboxAPI folder. After doing this, delete JukeboxAPI.jar
  2. Add the new MCJukebox.jar into your server, and start it up again. Type /jukebox and follow the instructions to add your API key.
  3. If you have regions setup, stop the server again, and copy the file from JukeboxAPI into the new MCJukebox folder.
  4. Start up your server once more, and you're done. Time to have some fun!
New Features:
  • Shows system (see below) adding built in support for shows as well as music synchronisation.
  • Message when players connect and disconnect from the website.
  • Tokens are used rather than IGNs, so users can no longer log in to the audio client as somebody else.
  • lang.json is no more! All languages are configurable via the admin panel, and changes go live instantly.
  • __global__ region can now be used in WorldGuard. This can cause issues, think before you do.
  • Added ClientConnectEvent and ClientDisconnectEvent for developers, and also changed package names (sorry!).
  • Removed config.yml - it's all done by commands now, and server IDs are no longer important.
  • Changed commands to add greater flexibility (see below).
Shows allow you to play music to a set audience, and to add and remove players from the audience dynamically while ensuring they all hear audio in sync.

  • Shows don't need to be created - just play music in one or add a player and we'll do the hard work.
  • Play music or sound in a show with /jukebox music/sound @showname URL
  • Add and remove players from a show with /jukebox show add/remove IGN @showname
  • You can also setup regions as show regions - just use @showname rather than the URL - /jukebox region add <worldguardID> <url/@showname>
A huge thanks to our donators who have helped tremendously in testing out the shows feature, and who all had beta access to this new plugin while we fixed the bugs.

Command changes:

  • As well as /jukebox stop <ign/@showname>, you can now use
    /jukebox stop all <ign/@showname> to stop both music and sounds for either that player or a particular show.
  • At the end of the stop, music, and sound commands, the fadeDuration and looping parameters have been replaced with JSON (see below).
Using JSON:
  • JSON takes the form {parameter: value, parameter1: value1, parameter2: value2, parameter3: value3}.
  • Accepted parameters are fadeDuration (0-30), looping (true/false), volume (0-100).
  • Two bonus, more advanced parameters are also available:
  • startTime, specified in UNIX milliseconds since the Epoch (if you don't understand this, avoid this!)
  • channel, which will allow you to manage multiple music tracks playing at once on different channels. Power users only. The value must be surrounded in " symbols.
As promised, it's fair to say that this update is pretty huge. If you run into any issues or would like any help, send an email to and we'll get back to you as soon as we can!


P.S: For those of that stuck around, here's a thought. Many people often ask "if a tree falls in a forest and nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" However, with this new update, "If music plays in a channel and nobody's in the channel, does it make a sound?" I mean, the server's still keeping track of the audio, but is it making a sound? You decide.

P.S.S: Once again, thank you donators! Anyone who feels like joining them in their kindness (though, it's 100% optional as always) can do so by logging into the admin panel, clicking the credit card icon and donating £9.99 for access to a few bonus features and helping to fund our hosting costs.

P.S.S.S: I'm writing too many P.S notes. I'm going to leave now.
----------, Jul 19, 2016
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 45,084
First Release: Dec 23, 2015
Last Update: Oct 6, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
168 ratings
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