Added: Player flag "allow-fly": To deny player with fly permissions(and enabled) to fly on regions;
Changed: Admin Flag "can-fly" to "forcefly": To force player to fly on region;
Changed: Improved purge system with regeneration system and added console command "/rp regen stop" to stop auto regen action;
Added: Player fly velocity for walk and fly speed on globalflags. Players with permision "redprotect.bypass.velocity" will bypass the velocities;
Changed/Fixed: Fixed potion compatibility for 1.7, 1.8 and 1.9. Plus improved potion detection for dispensers, tipped arrows, brewer stands, usage and splash;
Changed: Spawn flag to deny all types of spawn for mobs and monsters if the spawn flag is disabled. This will fix Skeletons spawn and Slime spawn;
Added: Hook with armor stands, to spawn armor stands with arms;
Added: Language translation for messages: DE-DE (thanks to CloudLecaw);