RedProtect Anti-Grief | Server Protection | Region Management | Mod MOBs Flag Compat. [1.7-1.21+] icon

RedProtect Anti-Grief | Server Protection | Region Management | Mod MOBs Flag Compat. [1.7-1.21+] -----

Anti-Grief, Server Protection, Spawn Protection

Version: 8.1.1
The best plugin for cuboids!
Please add my server: - Survival RPG, Economy with Minigames
Author's response
Thanks you for review <3

Version: 8.1.1
100x better than WorldGuard
Works perfect for 1.20.2 Spigot
Its fast and u can use it with essentials so 5 Stars
Author's response
Thanks you for review <3

Version: 8.1.1
Very nice plugin. Already used it on the server for almost 10 seasons. Our server is Celestial Indonesia! the ip:
Author's response
Thanks you for review <3

Version: 8.1.1
Nice Plugin ...
I Need This Plugin Update For Support Minecraft Version 1.20++....

Version: 8.1.0
The best plugin for cuboids!
But can u add support for plugin named Pl3xMap? It's better than dynmap
Author's response
Good suggestion. Join our discord server and ping me, and we can test a version of Pl3xMap-Claims supporting RedProtect.

Version: 7.7.3
work fine on spigot 1.19.3 and no problem on console
Best plugin for player land claiming
My server = (Survival, Oneblock, Skyblock)
Author's response
Thanks you <3

Version: 7.7.3
There is absolutely no Public and Developer Response that can answer a question, this plugin is not recommended
Author's response
Depending on the type of question, there is no way to answer

Version: 7.7.3
Unfortunately, the latest version of RedProtect-8.0.0 is no longer suitable for dynmap. What a big loss for any server that wants to run Red Protect with Dynmap. Unfortunately, some of the dynmap mechanics were destroyed with 8.0.0. Otherwise one of the best zone plugins. Simple and ingenious, unfortunately little or no support for the plugin anymore, which is a shame.
Author's response
I think the 8.1+ version already works fine with dynmap

Version: 7.7.3
I went to the Discord for some help getting the plugin to function on 1.18.2 Mohist, which the plugin page claims to support but the Developer hasn't responded to anyone's help requests in weeks. I understand that they might be busy, but there are helpers on the Discord server and even they aren't active. The developer isn't even active enough to promote more helpers.
Author's response
You are correct and I was at a stage where I couldn't hear about Minecraft

Version: 7.7.3
For some reason, whenever I claim an area, it keeps non-members from being able to eat inside the area. Is there a way to prevent this from happening in a spawn area where everyone is welcome?
Author's response
Using reviews for this? :/

Version: 7.7.3
There's nothing to say, This plugin does its job in an excellent way, and for those who come here to complain and say that it's bad, they should thank God that there are people like "Fabio Zumbi12" to create such excellent plugins.
Author's response
Thanks you for review <3

Version: 7.7.3
The plugin does not support java 11, but the 1.16.5 servers have not found java 16 or 17
So how can I use this plugin?
Author's response
Runs on java 16

Version: 7.7.3
Does a full database scan on the main thread every time a mob spawns. This is some of the least efficient code in any spigot plugin and will bring your server's performance to a crawl.

This is a warning to others that if you care about performance, don't use this plugin. It might be fine to 20 players or so, but past that and the plugin will simply kill performance.

Version: 7.7.3
this plugin was consuming 40% of the cpu, while griefprevention was 0.25 this plugin is badly optimized this version continues this problem?
Author's response
Theres some configs that can cause this like "border". On latests we cap this to allow only secure options.

Version: 7.7.2 10k+ Guilded now using this plugin for our official 1.17.1 Vanilla server. Thank you for some great schtuff. Stuff is good, and you make good stuff.
Author's response
Wow! Amazing! Thanks for review and 5 stars!

Version: 7.7.2
how to solve [RedProtect] There is no region at that block's location?
I don't know how to fix this.

i use oraxen plugin where there's a custom blocks/items named table
and when i tried to place it into a ground it does that.

Please help me

Version: 7.7.2
Excelente. Simples de usar, totalmente customizável, tem API, é otimizado, robusto e compatível com os outros plugins, recomendo. Fez um ótimo trabalho.
Author's response
Valeu pelo review e as 5 estrelas!

Version: 7.7.2
This is a review for version #400 at link :
Work fine at my paperspgiot server 1.17.1
console load fine the plugin and i can make region with fence and protect my land very good :D
My test server is here, (skysurvival mode)
Author's response
Thanks for review and 5 stars!

Version: 7.7.2
The Best land Claim plugin, Simple Setup And Other! If You want to test the Server, you can play on my server, (KaoriSMP)
Author's response
Thanks for review and 5 stars!

Version: 7.7.2
this plugin has been abandoned and at discord it does not respond I recommend you look for another plugin all of its plugins are abandoned and full of bugs and errors.
Author's response
You need the plugin or me? Did you reported all this bugs on our github? if yes, with time, ill try to fix, but in 90% of cases, people don't know how to setup and say as bugs... this is bad :/

Version: 7.7.2
Isso é LIXO, o desenvolvedor abandonou o plugin e também não responde a ninguém em seu grupo do Discord.
Por favor não perca seu tempo utilizando este plugin mal feito e todo problemático em seu servidor.


This is GARBAGE, the developer has abandoned the plugin and also doesn't respond to anyone in his Discord group.
Please don't waste your time using this poorly made and problematic plugin on your server.
Author's response
Mas vc precisa usar o plugin ou de mim? o.O La no discord o pessoal se ajuda muito e a menos que vc nao sabia configurar ou seguir as instruções da config, vc realmente não precisa de mim!

Version: 7.7.2
It has many features, but it's bugged on 1.17.x and dev didn't do anything since 3 weeks

Version: 7.7.2
I just wait 1.17 plugin Because this plugin is very important for my server

just wait 1.17 plugin Because this plugin is very important for my server
Author's response
Thanks for review and 5 stars! On our jenkins its always updated and the release is ready now!

Version: 7.7.2
The developer stopped updating the plugin, don't use this on your server! It has many bugs and makes the server lag.

Version: 7.7.2
It makes items disappear. E.g. when using AngelChest, after looting the chest, some items disappear after a certain amount of time. This only happens when using RedProtect.

Version: 7.7.2
hello can you help me? on my server I have the red protect plugin and it doesn't spawn slimes sorry for the google translator

Version: 7.7.2
Best anti-grief plugin I have used! Awesome work, keep it up! From now I'm using this on each of my survival servers.
Author's response
Thanks for review and 5 stars!

Version: 7.7.2
This is an amazing plugin. Unlike the other anti grief plugins I looked at, this one is very simple and easy to use. One thing I would add though is the ability to disable the message that says when you enter into someone's claimed area. It's slightly annoying when you have to enter and leave your house repetitively and it gives you the message every time. If there is already a function to disable this and I missed it, it would be great if you could tell me how :)

Version: 7.7.2
you will never need support, extremely intuitive

Version: 7.7.2
inactive developer, no support, dead discord. Dont expect any Support of them. You will get none
Author's response
You is right, sorry :/

Version: 7.7.2
The best plots plugin. Where can I download the Polish language. And give the link if you can, because I'm looking for and can't find c:, once again a really good plug for plots
Author's response
Thanks for review and 5 stars!

Version: 7.7.2
Nice Pluginnn <3 <3 <3 <3
the best plugin there.................................
Author's response
Thanks for review and 5 stars!

Version: 7.7.2
Someone tell me how to create a global region in a spawm and put multi regions in the spawn

Version: 7.7.2
Excelente plugin funciona muy bien aunque aún no le saco todo el provecho... ¿podrias colocar mi server? CocaLand: - Network con variedad de modalidades (o eso espero)
Author's response
Thanks for review! Ill add <3

Version: 7.7.2
very good plugin, it would just add again the option for players to be able to sell their own regions just like in an old version of RP, I would be grateful, this option is very interesting in the plugin and I noticed that in the new updates it was removed :(
Author's response
Hi, thanks for review!! I have added an "addon". Check the plugin description to download ;)

Version: 7.7.2
Es un buen plugin, el Staff de Discord es muy amable y con una atencion personalizada, buena para cualquier proyecto. lo unico que si quisiera que haya una traduccion al español de este plugin, de ahi muy agradecido :,)
Author's response
Thanks you <3

Version: 7.7.0
What version do you recommend for version 1.8.8? because right now I am having problems with the plugin in the 1.8.8 latest version of the plugin
Author's response
Don't use reviews, join our discord to get more help!!

Version: 7.6.7
This plugin is working fine with 1.14.4 server, easy to use for my players, and not that hard to configure it. I'm running paper server with no rules on The Miners -
Author's response
Thanks for review!! IP added on server list.

Version: 7.6.7
good but the only problem is that the pvp thing doesn't work for me. i have pvp set to false in my spawn but i can still hit players and other players can hit me. also in the descriptions you said "itens" rather than "Items" along with a few other grammatical errors. thought you should know to help it look more professional :)
Author's response
Thanks for the review!! Open an issue with error logs or join our discord to get help about this.

Version: 7.6.7
Deste que criei meu servidor uso ele pois adoro o sistema de proteção via cerca e o desenvolvedor se preocupa sempre em manter o plugin atualizado e funcionando, excelente trabalho!
Author's response
Boa!! Valeu pelo review <3

Version: 7.6.7
The best Protect plugin for Minecraft. We have been using it for many years and are happy that Fabio always manages to implement our ideas. He is by far one of the best plugin writers we know. Thank you for doing this again and again.
Author's response
Thank you for review!! You are welcome!

Version: 7.6.6
It was good at the time but with these latest updates I have had serious errors such as that players can kill themselves in protections. Interaction errors appear on the console with specific things and others.
Author's response
Did you have reported all this error on our github or on our discord? Let us to know whats wrong and maybe we can fix, but dont use reviews for this :S

Version: 7.6.6
Melhor plugin de proteção com suporte a mods, gostaria de saber se tem como configurar um modo que os jogadores ganhe uma certa quantidade de blocos igual ao GriefPrevention?
Author's response
Valeu pelo review! Nao temos esse sistema ainda!

Version: 7.6.6
excellent plugin, the best to protect territories from other players in my opinion !, I recommend it 100%
my server:
survival, UHC 1.14
Author's response
Thanks for your review <3!! Ill add your server.

Version: 7.6.6
Thanks for this plugin very perfect for plugin claim area, my server using this plugin. If you want join :

- ip : (version 1.14.4)
- genre : Survival mix rpg
Author's response
Thanks for your review!! Ill add your server.

Version: 7.6.6
ei cara, este plugin n vai nerfar o slimefun n né?
o griefprevention impede da explosive pickaxe explodir ..
Author's response
Obrigado pelo review. No redprotect vc controla se as coisas devem explodir ou não, incluindo os itens do slimefun.

Version: 7.6.6
help me plase im speak spanish, this problem is spamming my chat console [Fri, 10. Apr 2020 07:17:18 UTC ERROR] Could not pass event PlayerInteractEvent to RedProtect v7.6.5
the version of my spigot is 1.12.2 :C
Author's response
Go to our discord or download our dev build form homepage. This is already fixed!

Version: 7.6.5
El comando /rp wand no funciona, sólo a los usuarios (Op) les funciona! Necesito ayuda por favor...
Author's response
Dont use reviews for ask for help, we have discord, github and the discussions page for this. /rp wand is allowed only if the protection is "wand" or "both" on config.

Version: 7.6.5
Nice plugin but how i can make this? (Premade hauses)
Allow your players to start on your server with a pre maded house using schematics;
Author's response
Thanks for review! Premade houses is available on latest release ;)

Version: 7.6.5
my Arkmos-studio server Uses Redprotect, the most secure and easy to use claim system. nothing to say. strongly recommended. my server:
Author's response
Thanks for review!! Server added on home page!

Version: 7.6.5
Hi, the plugin works properly. But since I updated to 1.15 there is the following bug. If a user (also op) clicks a sign with the left or right button, this will disappear. Can you solve it? Thanks. best regards.
Author's response
Thanks for the review. Dont use reviews for bug report, use our github or discord.

Version: 7.6.5
redprotect placeholderapi not working in scoreboard please help me sir...
Author's response
Use our discord and/or our github, not here :/

Version: 7.6.5
NewI like your plugin it's very good but I wanted to know if you can add raid system in your plugin or like addon. like non region members could place TNT or other block to someone's claimed base and he could to blow base's walls

For mc 1.8.9
Author's response
Thanks for review! I have no plans, but other people/coders may do the job for you.

Version: 7.6.4
This is an awesome plugin, however I'd really like some javadoc for the API or more details on the wiki

Version: 7.6.4
Very detailed, with loads of options and possibilities. I use it on all servers, because i can give users the rights to decide what they want to do in there area or not.
It is very well maintained and updated.
Thanks for the hard work!!
Author's response
Happy you like Redprotect and is using on all your servers, thanks for review <3

Version: 7.6.3
Great plugin for claiming thank you for keeping this plugin alive! Been using this plugin on my 1.14.4 server
Author's response
And will be, thanks for the review!!

Version: 7.6.3
Been using it on my 1.14.4 server for 2 months, works well and GUI flags are helpful.
Author's response
Cool, thanks for the review!!

Version: 7.6.3
A compatible factions for this version in 1.14.4? please :c
By the way the plugin works so good.
Author's response
Cool, thanks for the review!!

Version: 7.6.3
Amigo todo bien pero, el langES-PA.yml no esta en español esta todo en ingles podrías pasármela en español? por favor D:
Author's response
Ola, outras tranducoes sao da comunidade, talvez nao tenham terminado. Obrigado pelo review

Version: 7.6.2
I can't set the player to use the workbench, but I can't find the answer on the wiki. Help me.
Author's response
Thanks for review. Its the flag for chest!

Version: 7.6.2
What is the latest version compatible with Thermos 1.7.10? Help me please.................
Author's response
Thanks for review! Use the version 7.5.6. Download link added to description header.

Version: 7.6.2
what command i need to used to elimited the post , i add 2 and i cannot removed it

Version: 7.6.2
Excellent plugin! I use this on my server, it's successfully work without any problem. Thanks for making this plugin!

IP: - Survival Economy 1.14.4
Author's response
Server ip added! Thanks for review!

Version: 7.6.2
Great! Great! Great! Great! Great! Great! Great! Great! Great! Great! Great! Great! ----------------------------

Version: 7.6.1
I used this bad plugin for years, and It always worked. But now, not even one version works! No error Messages in the console or something. It just dont works. I tried every fcking version of this plugin, and either the Regions wont safed after a server restart, or i get a internal error message, when I write /rp flag in my region. I even maked a testserver with only this plugin, and also there it dont worked! Bad plugin.
Author's response
And why i cant see any issue report on my github and on our Discord, where i am active daily? Did you tryied to contact us? If i can review the users, ill give the same 1 start for you, btw i am here trying to know whats wrong :x

Version: 7.5.6
This is a good plugin. It does what is supposed to do. One of my favorite features of this plugin is that it has a GUI for managing player flags. This elevates this plugin above others because it provides users an easier way of setting what they want to allow without having to type in multiple commands to do so. The only reason I rated this plugin 3 stars is that it does not work with dynamap; even it claims to do so. I have attempted to look everywhere for a solution but none was found. I really looked forward to see this feature in action, but I was crushed when it did not work. Anyways, this plugin is good if you just want to give the ability for users to make plots and protected areas. I recommend this plugin to anyone if they want to create protected spawns and give users the ability to create plots and towns.

Also, my server IP is so you can put it in the description :D
Author's response
Did you tryed our Dsicrod to get help about Dynmap + RP? The latest version is working fine on 1.13, until we update to 1.14!

Thanks for review.

Version: 7.5.6
attention! plugin is not case sensitive, players to break into someone's plot, enter on no premium servers with a changed one letter, then register a new account and have access to someone else's plot.
Author's response
Thanks for 5 stars. Cound you open an issue on my github to i dont forgot this?

Version: 7.5.6
The best zone plugin there is for Spigot!!! This plugin puts Worldguard in the shade. We have been using this plugin for 2 years and are sure there is no better one ! Everyone who wants a well managed server should use Red Protect as zone plugin!!!

Version: 7.5.5
The "Support" users on discord have no clue about anything they cannot help with a simple sign flag, as well as they refuse to fix bugs! They are "remaking" the plugin but in my opinion, it is just worth trashing!

Version: 7.5.5
No flags work for 1.13
Pressure plates are broken, build flag, pvp and leaf decay.
I can go on and on I messaged the dev on discord and got no reply after a week! Support is horrible as well as the plugin!

Version: 7.5.5
Version 1.8 cmd error, command /rp flag
Version 1.8 cmd error, command /rp flag
Version 1.8 cmd error, command /rp flag

Version: 7.5.5
doesnt work with the lastest version of world edit y world guard .
Author's response
The latest dev builds yes, form our discord or form our jenkins :/

Version: 7.5.5
Excelente tutorial me preguntaba si querias agregar mi video a la pagina del plugin! puedes ver mi video en el enlace que te dejare aqui

Tambien tengo el lang al idioma español por si te interesa.

Excellent plugin I was wondering if you wanted to add my video to the plugin page! You can see my video in the link that I will leave here

I also have the lang to the Spanish language if you are interested.

Author's response
Added, thanks for tutorial ^^

Version: 7.5.5
nice for my survival server
Author's response

Version: 7.5.3
help me plz
[21:03:29 ERROR]: Could not pass event PlayerInteractEvent to RedProtect v7.5.3
org.bukkit.event.EventException: null
at$1.execute( ~[server.jar:git-Spigot-2cf50f0-2b93d83]
at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent( ~[server.jar:git-Spigot-2cf50f0-2b93d83]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.fireEvent( [server.jar:git-Spigot-2cf50f0-2b93d83]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent( [server.jar:git-Spigot-2cf50f0-2b93d83]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_12_R1.event.CraftEventFactory.callPlayerInteractEvent( [server.jar:git-Spigot-2cf50f0-2b93d83]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_12_R1.event.CraftEventFactory.callPlayerInteractEvent( [server.jar:git-Spigot-2cf50f0-2b93d83]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PlayerInteractManager.a( [server.jar:git-Spigot-2cf50f0-2b93d83]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PlayerConnection.a( [server.jar:git-Spigot-2cf50f0-2b93d83]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PacketPlayInBlockDig.a(SourceFile:40) [server.jar:git-Spigot-2cf50f0-2b93d83]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PacketPlayInBlockDig.a(SourceFile:10) [server.jar:git-Spigot-2cf50f0-2b93d83]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PlayerConnectionUtils$ [server.jar:git-Spigot-2cf50f0-2b93d83]
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ [?:1.8.0_171]
at [?:1.8.0_171]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.SystemUtils.a(SourceFile:46) [server.jar:git-Spigot-2cf50f0-2b93d83]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.MinecraftServer.D( [server.jar:git-Spigot-2cf50f0-2b93d83]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.DedicatedServer.D( [server.jar:git-Spigot-2cf50f0-2b93d83]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.MinecraftServer.C( [server.jar:git-Spigot-2cf50f0-2b93d83]
at [server.jar:git-Spigot-2cf50f0-2b93d83]
at [?:1.8.0_171]
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/bukkit/block/data/BlockData
at ~[?:?]
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor144.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_171]
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_171]
at$1.execute( ~[server.jar:git-Spigot-2cf50f0-2b93d83]
... 18 more
Author's response
This version is not compatible with 1.12.2, like is on head of this page :/

Version: 7.5.3
Works very well, the only problem I have with it is that I can't allow the use of pressure plates in game. Here, lemme translate that to Spanish for you.

Funciona muy bien, el único problema que tengo es que no puedo permitir el uso de placas de presión en el juego.
Author's response
Thank you!
Add a suggestion on our github.

Version: 7.5.3
Add my server to your servers use list!?

Tanks!! :D nice plugin
Author's response
Added ;)

Version: 7.3.0
Suggest ; Upgrade to 1.13 and add protection to mob's can't entry this region like player

Version: 7.3.0
I really loved this plugin for some time. It seemed to do everything required without problem. Now there is 2 definite problems - I've gone to discord and waited for replies - none. So here arethe problems with it. Permissions seem to be wonky and not fully working. I have given an admin permission for region tp, still denies it. Owned regions are the same, even with the permission. The seconday issue is a duplication bug. A person can mine a block in an anti-build region. Spam breaking the block will cause it to drop blocks. I would hope to give a better review next update.

Version: 7.3.0
Most favorite Land Claim Plugin

EZ to use

Version: 7.3.0
Author's response
Puedes traducirlo copiando el archivo en inglés, traduciendo y enviándome a añadir al plugin.

Version: 7.3.0
The best zone plugin on the market. Simply practically versatile. Thanks for the plugin

Version: 7.2.2
Excelente, é um plugin melhor que wordguard, ou complementar, vem no pacote proteção de terrenos como griefprevention e lockette, para proteger itens.

Version: 7.2.2
Finally ... what I was looking for , I was using worldguard , that plugin is so hard to use... Rated this because it really is good

Version: 7.2.2
This is the BEST plugin for grief protection. Easy to use, Easy to settings. And it also has MANY cool features!.


Version: 7.2.2
this pl better than worldguard ........................................................

Version: 7.2.2
Ola fabio queria saber como ativo a barra de entra pois a o plugin que e usando para parece a entra de um player em uma rp nao aprecer so aparecer a saida quando alguem sair da rp seria uma grande ajudar ser voce informa esto na versao 1.12 e seu plugin e muito bom

Version: 7.2.2
Hi, amazing plugin, has used ever since I started my server. Though I have problems with the forcefly flag. I want to give a player permission to fly on his region (giving him the permission to use forcefly flag). So I gave him the permission "redprotect.flag.admin.forcefly" and he still couldn't type the command. Then I gave him [redprotect.*] access to all commands and he had access to flag finally. Though the problem was that he no longer could fly within his regions allthough either me or him put the forcefly flag to true. (allow fly also set to true).

So, do you have any sollution to the problem?Would really like to use this feature!

Version: 7.2.1
Adorei seu plugin mais não consigo encontrar a versão em portugues teria como você me mandar?
Author's response
Sò mudar a opção "language" pra "pt-br" kkkkkk

Version: 7.2.0
[08:18:54] [Server thread/INFO]: Redprotect: [WorldEdit found. Hooked.][08:18:54] [Server thread/WARN]: org.bukkit.plugin.IllegalPluginAccessException: Unable to find handler list for event org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerEvent. Static getHandlerList method required![08:18:54] [Server thread/WARN]: at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.getRegistrationClass([08:18:54] [Server thread/WARN]: at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.getRegistrationClass([08:18:54] [Server thread/WARN]: at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.registerEvents([08:18:54] [Server thread/WARN]: at[08:18:54] [Server thread/WARN]: at[08:18:54] [Server thread/WARN]: at[08:18:54] [Server thread/WARN]: at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin([08:18:54] [Server thread/WARN]: at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_11_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugin([08:18:54] [Server thread/WARN]: at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_11_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugins([08:18:54] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.MinecraftServer.t([08:18:54] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.MinecraftServer.l([08:18:54] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.MinecraftServer.a([08:18:54] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.DedicatedServer.init([08:18:54] [Server thread/WARN]: at[08:18:54] [Server thread/WARN]: at[08:18:54] [Server thread/INFO]: Redprotect: [Error enabling RedProtect, plugin will shut down.[m][08:18:54] [Server thread/INFO]: Redprotect: [RedProtect v7.2.0 disabled.[m]
Author's response
This is because mcMMO. Join our Discord channel to download a temporary fixed version builded by me. Can you remove this review and past your error on comments?

Version: 7.1.4
Nice plugin, with nice mod compatibility. Thanks for developing this.
I can help you translate this to Chinese.

Version: 7.1.2 (b311)
Wonderful. I was waiting on this very screen clicking the refresh button hour after hour just waiting for a new update!

Version: 7.1.2 (b311)
Plugin very practical for a freebuild server, thanks to RedProtect, on our server the constructions of the players are protected and the system of flags is really interesting.
Moreover the author of the plugin is reactive when there is a worry !

Thank you !
Author's response
Thanks ^^

This is called "Love Coding" <3

Version: 7.1.2 (b308)
Best protection plugin I ever seen, I'll try the convert to GriefPrevention today hehe! Parabéns Fabio por mais esse ótimo trabalho, obrigado :)
Author's response
Thanks ^^

- Valeu man, tomara que consiga converter!

Version: 7.1.2
Good plugin but SurivalMechanics can not be used because of elytra crash........ Please. supported SM
Author's response
Thank to review.

Download the new update, and go to globalflags.yml and set "elytra-boost" to -1. This will disable elytra boost feature.

Version: 7.1.2
Wonderful. I was waiting on this very screen clicking the refresh button hour after hour just waiting for a new update!

Version: 7.1.1 (b311)
Plugin é 10.. mais to com um problema seu plugin tem alguma proteção de spawn de wither? quando coloco ele no meu serve simplesmente não consigo invocar o wither com a areia das almas e os crânios e quando tiro o plugin fica normal :/
Author's response
É um bug, vo enviar um update que resolve isso.

Version: 7.1.1
I'm an owner of the FreeCraft server...great plugin!
Also very useful international help on Discord!!!

Version: 7.1.1
One of the best Protectionplugins my server ever used. So Playerfriendly, made for so many uagages. And Players can edit their own Region to their needs. Its like a little charm.
Also its developer FabioZumbi12 seems to be a good developer and very often is "open" for the suggestions of his followers :P

Version: 7.1.1
The plugin had an update and it deleted all the protected regions. You also fail to realize that the water and farming thing was said to be enabled, also your wiki doesn't specify which config to paste the flags in, it's not user friendly, and I will not be using this plugin anymore.
Author's response
Hum... Now I know that you are definitely using Redprotect totally wrong. Nor did he seek help either in the commentary or in our discord. If I was not here willing to help you might even complain, but it was not happened. This is sad!

Version: 7.1.1
I'm always a good developer and I'm a good developer. I hesitated at first but he finally fixed it.


Version: 7.1.0
The protecting works as intended but I wish I would never have downloaded it if I knew what a pain it would be with configs

The crops won't grow once a region is protected, and water wont destroy the crops so no-auto farms what so ever unless you find the page including the flag for it that was for some reason NOT set to ''true'' then you have to guess which config it is that you have to paste the flag in and enable it manually.

I did make the crop problem work but not the water problem.

I absolutely do not recommend this, not at all use friendly, and while I got it working, you simply don't create a protection plugin for people that haven't automatically enabled the ability to grow crops. Ridiculous
Author's response
You are correct related to version 7.1.0, but the fix is here until i dont release a new version with a lot of features and this fix:

And if you didnt read the WIKI to see about the water flag, this is not the plugin fault :S

Flow flag:

#Ridiculous is make your review based on your opinion about something that is there, and that you probably configured it wrong or did not want to read it: /

Version: 7.1.0
This Plugin is an excellent choose for survival servers. It made things allot easier and everything is working fine. It would be great if the Plugin could get some ChatControl integration and an easier way of getting the spawn kit. Btw - you can add our server to the IP-list:

Version: 7.1.0

Plugin complete nothing to say. On the other hand it is a worry, I explain: The trees grow well, on the other hand the wheat and sugar cane does not grow at all.

I try to look all over yml files, nothing, I can not figure out a solution.

If you have a solution, please send it to me!

Cordially, Shignia. (FR)
Author's response
Hi and thanks for the review!

You can join on our discord to discuss about your issues:

Version: 7.0.3
Muito grato pela criaçao desse plugin. Após longos meses procurando um plugin realmente bom para meu servidor finalmente encontrei o sistema de rp, que serve para atuar em paralelo com meu servidor de towny. Muito obrigado aos criadores do plugin por criá-lo e atualizado.
Caso queiram deixar o ip do meu servidor na lista de servidores que utilizam o rp ""
Author's response
Valeuu pelo review bro!

Vo adiciona seu ip na descrição do plugin sim, vlw!!

Version: 7.0.3
Really good plugin, I love all its possibilities ! Really usefull !
Nothing else to say. Download it :P
Author's response
Yay, thanks for the review!

This is called "love to code" ^^

Version: 7.0.2
LOVEEEEEEEE THIS PLUGIN! 100 characters.....................................................................
Author's response
THAAAAANKS for the review <3

Version: 7.0.0
Hey, this Plugin is a very big part of my little Server, so i want to Thank you so much. I tried the new Version a bit and it works fine. My Suggestion with the Command Range works perfect. The new Rent System is awesome, because players are renting their homes since the first Server Day, and wiith this Feature it makes all a lot easier. And this all for Free :O When i have PayPay i will defenetly Donate u some :) Sry for my English ^^
Author's response

I glad to see you using my plugin and its acomplishing with all your need. I really love coding and love help people with what i can.

Thanks <3

Version: 6.6.4
Works perfect! No lagg and my player's are happy! Keep it updated and I will continue to use it ;)

100 characters.
Author's response
Thank you ^^

Version: 6.5.11

Please add groups allowed true|false

I forget to mention in my previous rating, can you PLEASE add mob-damage allow|deny

This would really outright make it a real EASY worldguard replacement

Version: 6.5.9
Meu servidor também usa o redprotect IP:
tenho grande admiração por Fabiozumbi12 um grande programador e uma ótima pessoa :3

Version: 6.5.9
This plugin is PERFECT for my server. Nice and simple for my users. If they can't figure out how to put a fence around their property.. then I've lost all hope.

Thank you for your quick responses to my issues! :D

Version: 6.5.81
I know this is not the best place for this but I need help. U are really good at coding and i think it will only cost 10-20 minutes for u^^
Can u make a /home /sethome Plugin, where i can set an mimimun Block high that /home works. I dont want that Players go Mining and then use the /home command and they are back home... U know what i mean? :/
Author's response
You can suggest this to existing plugins for this like EssentialsX or some other plugins for this. Its really simply... maybe i cann add an option on RedProtect to deny the command /sethome to be used on min y and max y on worlds... If you want, open an Issue as Suggestion here:

Version: 6.5.7
Great plugin!

You can add the flag teleport to go to others protections from others players, please?
Author's response
I dont know what you mean, already have a command to teleport, is /rp tp <region> <world> and you can allow the player to teleport to your own region with permission redprotect.own.teleport

Version: 6.5.7
Great Plugin, Dev is very helpful. My server is TheBasic!! Survuval . Come join in on the fun.

Version: 6.5.5
Great Plugin, but can you please update it, that you can buy a Plot for a sum of Money. Them im going to give 5 stars.
(Sorry for my Bad English)

Version: 6.5.5
Ehmm.... Please remove 1.9 "Tag" from this plugin... or fix.
Author's response
Ehmm... update to latest 1.9 please!

Version: 6.5.2
Yes Yes and oh yes. Great plugin I will be using this on my new survival server :P Thank god it doesnt coast anything.

Version: 6.5.0
Amazing plugin, but kCauldron is not being updated anymore and the KCauldron Dev has been inactive for along time. The Community decided to release a new KCauldron Called 'Thermos' you should change the kCauldron on this page to Thermos. Here's proof of the new Thermos Builds.
Author's response
HUmm, thanks! I will take a look and probally update to this versions ^^

Version: 6.4.4
Probably the best land management plugin I've ever used. Simple config and easy for the players and staff. Would give more stars if I could... Where can I donate? :')

Mah sexy server: Future Survival.

Good Plugin. Planning on using it fully for members! Good Job.!

Version: 6.3.7
this is useful plugin for my hub and also factions cause my factions have peaceful event i don't know why but players love it

Version: 6.3.7
Very good plugin. Great updates and support.
All things are configurable and the plugin is very easy to understand!

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 528,672
First Release: Dec 19, 2015
Last Update: Jul 22, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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