Full support for legacy Essentials and EssentialsX
Clean and modular code-base
Lightweight, no bullshit included
Multi-threading support (less stress on your main thread -> almost no effect on the TPS)
It just works
Pretty straightforward, don't waste time by configuring tons of things
Does not replace the kits functionality of Essentials. Builds on top of it
No need to recreate the kits. This plugin automatically detects them
Each kit is being stored in its own file -> easily migrate and modify them
Fully customizable (even all the messages)
Multi-page support. Add as many kits as you want
Cute sounds that get played at certain events (can be disabled)
GUI looks decent, can be easily and fully customized as well
Hex colors support (1.16+ only, e.g. &#FF00FF)
Kit button customizations
Change the display name in the GUI
Modify the icon
Add lore (text below the name)
Forcefully move the kits around where ever you like
Code (YAML):
# The title of the inventory inventory-title: Kits
# The title of the inventory that will be displayed on pages 2+ inventory-title-page: Kits - Page
# The height of the inventory. Must be between 1-6. Use -1 for auto resize inventory-height: 6
# Whether an auto-formatting shall be applied at the given axis # You may choose between: # - NONE: Items get added from left to right / top to bottom # - CENTRALIZED: Items will be formatted as OOOXXXOOO (X = Item, O = Air) # - ALIGNED: Items will be formatted as OXOXOXOXO (X = Item, O = Air) inventory-center-x: CENTRALIZED
inventory-center-y: NONE
# The amount of offset there shall be for the kit items inventory-offset-top: 1
inventory-offset-right: 1
inventory-offset-left: 1
inventory-offset-bottom: 1
# Fill the empty slots with some material inventory-background-material: air
inventory-offset-material: air
# A bar at the bottom will be displayed with a button to switch to the next page in case there are too many items next-page-bar-material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7
next-page-button-material: ARROW
# Sound that is being played on various events # Note that custom resource pack sounds only are supported with 1.9+ sound:
is-custom-resource-pack: false
volume: 0.7
pitch: 1.5
is-custom-resource-pack: false
volume: 0.7
pitch: 0.5
is-custom-resource-pack: false
volume: 0.7
pitch: 1.5
is-custom-resource-pack: false
volume: 1.0
pitch: 1.2
# The commands with which the kit GUI shall open listen-to-commands: - kit
- kits
Code (YAML):
command-usage: '&eCorrect usage
: &6{usage}' command-list: '&eAll kits
}): &7{kits}' command-set-displayname: '&eThe display name of the kit &6
} has been changed to
command-set-icon: '&eThe icon of the kit &6
} &ehas been changed to &6
command-clear-lore: '&eRemoved
all lore of the kit &6
command-add-lore: '&eAdded lore to the kit &6
: {lore
command-remove-lore: '&eRemoved lore from kit &6
: {lore
command-set-lore: '&eSet lore in kit &6
}&e at &6
: {lore
command-reload: '&eConfigurations have been reloaded'
command-set-slot: '&eKit &6
} &eis now being displayed at &6X
} Y
command-reset-slot: '&eKit &6
} &eis now being normally added to the GUI'
coord-out-of-bounds: '&cThe coordinates &4X
} Y
} &care out of bounds'
line-out-of-bounds: '&cThe line &4
} &cis out of bounds'
unknown-kit: '&cUnknown kit &4
unknown-command: '&cUnknown command &4
unknown-player: '&cUnknown player &4
invalid-material: '&cInvalid material &4
not-number: '&4
} &cis not a number'
players-only: Only players may execute the command
insufficient-permissions: '&cInsufficient permissions'
next-page: '&aNext page'
prev-page: '&aPrevious page'
page-info: '&7Go to page
none: None kit-hook-disappear: '&cOops, it seems like the kit does not exist anymore. Please
re-open the GUI'
Essentials permissions aren't being touched by this plugin.
However, the player won't see the kits for which he doesn't have the permissions for in the GUI.
This means, that players must either have essentials.kits.<kitname> (grants access to specific kits) or essentials.kits.* (grants access to all kits).
For further help, look at this permissions list or contact Essentials's support.
To access the /kitcfg command, you will need the kitcfg.cfg permission.
There is a specific syntax required for the icon parameter of the /kitcfg icon <kit> <icon> command.
Following features are available with it:
1.19+: You can use the same item syntax as with the /give command
This means, that you can use NBT for versions 1.19 - 1.20.4
Due to Mojang's changes, you must use item components for 1.20.5+ instead
It is possible to use legacy material ids that were used past 1.12 (Not recommended)
It is possible to use material names, even from newer or past versions
Ability to have custom head textures:
player_head:<player name>
Ability to dye leather armor using HEX colors:
1(turns into stone)
1:1(turns into granite)
iron_pickaxe:50(adds some damage to the pickaxe)
player_head:Notch(Notch's head)
player_head:eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYjA0ODMxZjdhN2Q4ZjYyNGM5NjMzOTk2ZTM3OThlZGFkNDlhNWQ5YmNkMThlY2Y3NWJmYWU2NmJlNDhhMGE2YiJ9fX0=(displays a globe, taken from the "other -> value" section at minecraft-heads.com)
leather_chestplate:#FFFF00 (yellow chestplate)
stick{Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:knockback",lvl:1s}]} (1.19 - 1.20.4 only, item with knockback 1 enchantment)
You may look at e.g. this website for a list of all available materials. Materials that do not exist with your Minecraft version obviously won't work.