Added support for hoppers (1.8.x and up). Yes, its slightly out of what this plugin should do. But as its aimed to reduce load on server. Then why not
There is HUGE issue on minecraft servers with hoppers and especially with minecart hoppers which will "fire" item move events 20 times in one second. Even spigot settings are not helping here (bugged?). Sooo, what we have now is dynamic hopper transfer item rates. So more you use one hopper, lower its transfer rate will get up to defined point. This should not effect regular usage of them as transfer rate will reset it self after some unused time. But this will break any contraptions which needs fixed rates. Tho performance gains are more needed than some funky contraption.
Some example without hopper control and with one
and after MFM enabled
So we went down from 265 900 item transfer events down to only 4 400 which resulted in huge improvement. And this is only over 30sec sample with 170 hoppers and 20 minecart hoppers. Which are nothing if you are trying intentionally lag out server.
Feature is disabled by default. So don't forget to enable it.
Added /mfm hoppers to show chunks with most active hoppers in them, just to have easy way in finding "bad" players who is causing uneaded load on server ^.^