Custom Crafting System Your server features a unique and customizable crafting system. Here are some of its key features:
- Custom Grids: The crafting system supports custom grids ranging from 2x2 up to 6x6 including the vanilla workbench table on command.
- Configurable Design: All design aspects can be adjusted in a configuration file.
- Special Items: Players can craft special items. These items can include stacks, meaning that more than one item may be required to craft an item in each slot.
- Multilanguage System: The system supports multiple languages.
- Optimized Configuration: Everything is optimized and adjustable through the configuration.
- Custom Recipes: You can create new custom recipes. This allows for a wide variety of unique items to be crafted.
- Permission-Based Recipes: Recipes can be permission-based, meaning that a player needs the correct permission to craft the item.
- Recipe Blocking: You can block certain recipes, preventing anyone from crafting those items.
- Shapeless and Shaped: Both shapeless and shaped crafting are supported, providing flexibility in how items are crafted.
- Paginated Crafting: You are able to switch between custom recipes and normal ones.
This crafting system provides players with a unique and engaging experience, allowing for a wide variety of crafting recipes and customization options. Enjoy your gaming!