Advanced Portals icon

Advanced Portals -----

An advanced portals plugin for bukkit

X is missing in the Re-Code:
Please raise a ticket on GitHub and it will be added back as soon as possible! I just wanted to focus on getting the main features out first.

Where is the Bungee plugin?:
They are contained in the same jar file. Just put the same Advanced Portals jar in both your Bungee and Spigot plugin folders :) It should work between versions but if there are issues ensure they are exactly the same version on both spigot and bungee.

Why doesn't it work?:
Check the console for logs but also make sure you are using a branch of Spigot and not CraftBukkit as that won't work.

Java Support: We currently support Java 8 and up. Though in the future we will be moving to Java 11 due to new features and changes happening to Velocity.

Bungee features don't work: Make sure you have ip_forwarding enabled

See lower if you are having other issues

If you want to use a GUI command do not use the triggerblock portal, use air or water.

Please remember this plugin I still in heavy development and will be undergoing a complete recode. However, the main features work perfectly fine and as far as I know it is about the most efficient way you can make a portal plugin like this.

Advanced Portals is a new portal plugin for Bukkit made by sekwah41, designed to have a wide range of features which are easy to use. The plugin adds a bunch of commands to create and edit portals and destinations. This plugin not only enables normal teleportation but also cross-server teleportation for networks using bungee.

The plugin is designed to be as light end efficient as possible as well as offer powerful features.

If you would like any new features or to report a bug, please create a ticket on GitHub.

Now use /portal (portalblock, gatewayblock or endportalblock) to get a special piece of wool to place the types of block. Also, you can punch a portal block with the portalblock to rotate it now.

Check the docs for extra info.

Commands and Portal Tags
(the GitHub wiki is a bit well poorly laid out and an annoying to change because its got odd layouts and displays quite disgustingly in tables with loads text after, feel free to ask about specifics on the discord and ill need to make a proper page rather than a git wiki)

Source Code

Video on how to use portals by BashBR (Portuguese)

Current Features
  • Custom portal creation
  • Bungee portals (now supports target locations on other servers)
  • Enabled you to build with the portal block so you can build portals with custom shapes
  • Commands when entering portals
  • Warp effects (Like explosions or eye of end effects, must be enabled in the config as it is disabled by default)
  • Protection regions around portals to stop players without permission griefing them(this involves explosion protection and freezes all fluid movement in a radius(can also be used for water and lava portals, although the lava still sets you on fire at the moment)
  • Custom message prefix(you can change messages to normal players to have your server name in front of it, so it feels more like part of the server)
  • Portal trigger blocks, specify what block you want the plugin to check for, you can even use half blocks and stair combinations to make some quite unique portals.
  • Most features can be altered or toggled by changing variables in the config.
Planned features
  • Editing existing portal data(can only rename at the moment)
  • Upgrade the developer API to allow registering custom tags.

Common Issues

Bungee Portal + Destination (v0.5.0 and up only):
You must have advanced portals also installed on Bungee. Also make sure you supply both the target server with bungee:servername and a valid destination with desti:name. Autocomplete does not currently work with destinations on another server though I will look to add that.

The plugin isn't working: The latest versions of the plugin only work on 1.13 and above. Please download 0.0.41 as it supports 1.7 to 1.12.

The plugin selector isn't working:
Please check the above issue. Make sure that the player effected has "advancedportals.createportal" and that you haven't changed the material in he config.yml.

Example check for LuckPerms is
/lp check <user> advancedportals.createportal

This really helps motivate me to work more on my online stuff because it shows people like it enough/want it enough to donate to help support me.

Contact Me
If you have any suggestions or general discussion about advanced portals or any other work feel free to join the discord and mention me, generally discuss or just send me a pm :) I will more likely respond faster there when I am less active here. Though you can still just send me a pm on here.

If you have an issue I am not always active so don't expect an immediate response. It helps to know what mc version and plugin version you are using and if it's an off branch of spigot e.g. paper spigot.


Resource Information
Total Downloads: 142,933
First Release: Nov 8, 2015
Last Update: Jan 25, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
151 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings