DailyBonus [1.7 - 1.21] - Increase player retention! icon

DailyBonus [1.7 - 1.21] - Increase player retention! -----

Reward players for joining multiple days in a row with better rewards for each consecutive day!

NPC Support
* Update for both main plugin and MySQL receiver *
This does NOT handle the entities themselves, Citizens is recommended.

This update adds a new feature which allows you to set specific NPC's throughout your world that once right clicked it opens the DailyBonus menu. Due to the update you will have to add a new section, some messages to your config and also there are some new commands to take advantage of the new feature.

Command: /db npc create
Description: Toggles NPC create mode, next right clicked entity will be set

Command: /db npc delete
Description: Toggles NPC delete mode, next right clicked NPC will be deleted

The following section must be added to your config.yml files to store all NPC locations (To determine if it actually is a NPC).

Code (Text):
registered_npc: []
The following messages must be added to avoid null pointer exceptions while executing the new commands:

Code (Text):
  deleted_npc: '&aThe selected entity has been removed from the DailyBonus NPC list'
  created_npc: '&aThe selected entity has been set as a DailyBonus NPC'
  invalid_npc: '&cThe entity you have selected is not a valid NPC'
  npc_exists: '&cThe entity you have selected is already a registered NPC'
  npc_timeout: '&cYou have taken to long to select an entity. The request has been cancelled'
  npc_list_empty: '&cYou have not created a DailyBonus NPC yet'
I have a lot of big ideas planned for this plugin in the very near future so be sure to check soon. If you have any suggestions or any bugs to report let me know in the discussions section or preferably by PM.
----------, Dec 10, 2015
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,623
First Release: Oct 30, 2015
Last Update: Jan 2, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
145 ratings
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