This update adds support for a help message to be displayed for any player with the "dailybonus.admin" permission when they incorrectly define a command. Also this update includes a new toggle that determines whether or not to close the menu after clicking on an item within.
You must add the following section to your messages section in your config.yml (Required for both base plugin and MySQL receiver).
Code (Text):
- '&8&m------------------------------'
- '&bDailyBonus Help'
- '&a/dailybonus - &7Opens the DailyBonus menu'
- '&a/dailybonus reset <playername> - &7Resets the players day count'
- '&a/dailybonus set <playername> <amount> - &7Sets the players day count'
- '&a/dailybonus reload - &7Reloads the plugin files'
- '&8&m------------------------------'
In addition to these you can add the new feature that closes the menu once a player clicks in the menu (For both base plugin and MySQL receiver). If you do not specify a value it will default to false.
Code (Text):
close_on_click <true/false>
If you experience any issues or have any suggestions for the plugin be sure to let me know in the discussions section or by PM!