This is ultimately one of the last customization updates for the time being and allows for the editing of the border item material and name. This update effects both the main plugin and the MySQL receiver so all of your config files must be updated to follow the correct format, otherwise issues may occur. Below is an example of how the new section should look in the config.yml:
Code (Text):
border_item: STAINED_GLASS_PANE;1;%coloured_glass%
border_name: '&cDaily Bonus'
- '&7Come back every day to receive'
- '&7your daily bonus!'
- ''
- '&aThe more days in a row you'
- '&ajoin the better the reward!'
- ''
- '&cYou must wait: &7%dailybonus_delay%'
- '&cbefore claiming your next bonus'
If you're using the menu size of (1) you can optionally use the '%coloured_glass% placeholder which will be replaced with the according colour (claimed = green, unclaimed = dark grey).
Other than that I also fixed an issue that would only add the header to the config.yml on a server restart so that now when reloading the plugin it will add the header (in case you delete it while the server is running).
If you have any bugs to report or suggestions to make be sure to let me know via PM or in the discussions section!