DailyBonus [1.7 - 1.21] - Increase player retention! icon

DailyBonus [1.7 - 1.21] - Increase player retention! -----

Reward players for joining multiple days in a row with better rewards for each consecutive day!

Version: 3.15.9-CS-API
The plugin author, with the system they've set up, makes the /dailybonus support command mandatory to create a support ticket, even if you've just purchased the plugin. Since the plugin isn't working, I wasn't able to create a support ticket. The plugin author or the admins in the Discord group deleted my messages. I don't believe the plugin author is a mentally healthy person.

Despite knowing that I couldn't create a support ticket, all they did was direct me to the support ticket creation instructions. Even though I followed the instructions, I couldn't create a support ticket because the plugin wasn't working.
Author's response
There are clear instructions if you are having an issue with the plugin starting all together which are clearly stated in the support registration channel on our Discord server.

We ask all buyers follow the same process for support, we do not make exceptions.

Saying you think someone is mentally unhealthy is quite insensitive and I hope that you consider removing this review.

Version: 3.14.1-CS-API
I bought the plugin in ~2018, but the fact that you continue to update it is just insane man, even with all theses negative review.
Author's response
Thanks for the review! Glad to hear you're still satisfied 6 years later :)

Version: 3.13.2-CS-API
Used to be extremely happy with this developer. Unfortunately hes been dodging me now and thats changed. This plugin hasnt been working for myself and a few others ive noticed for about 3 months. He requires you to use the plugin to access support. but you cannot do so when the plugin doesnt work. He said to message him here on spigot about the issue then left the chat saying he doesnt know what this conversation is about. the plugin is unusable. fixing it is impossible due to his behavior. its an amazing plugin when it works, Your risk.

Version: 3.11.2-CS-API
ne fonctionne pas en 1.20.4 avec la version 3.11.2 & 3.11.1 . .
Author's response
The plugin works as is stated without issue. If you would like to report something you can do so in our Discord server after registering (which you didn’t even do before leaving this 1 star review)

Version: 3.11.2-CS-API
Just know you have to pay an additional fee to get support if you have an error in console
Author's response
I would say thanks for the review, but this one makes no sense. This is completely false and nonsensical.

Version: 3.11.2-CS-API
This relys on another plugin they sell which does menus/guis and also costs.
While you can use it without the menu plugin, you will need to hunt and find how to actually do that, and manually write configs and muck about a lot.
I joined the discord to find this out, and i see others had the same issue, and when i commented that i had that same issue, my comment was removed.
Rather than mess about with manual configs or paying more money, ill just pay for another plugin that does it
Author's response
Thanks for the review. The plugin does not rely on any other, however, we do offer the option of using enhanced menu features natively if you have ProMenus. DailyBonus is not a menu plugin, you are free to use whichever menu plugin you like. Obviously we can easily integrate with our own and make it easier should you choose to do so. I don’t think a 2 star review is warranted for what you have stated, and hope you consider removing or changing it to actually reflect the plugin itself.

Version: 3.10.8-CS-API
Had to review again. This is by far the most unique and customizable bonus/streak plugin on the market. the amount of configurable options beats other plugins, paid and free. so far the best ive used out of 3 different reward plugins (other paid and free plugins). The developer is constantly working on this plugin. He is extremely active in the support channel, updating the plugin within minutes of contact from his customers. He just added extensive optional logging to make support of any potential issues easy to deal with.
Author's response
Thanks for the review (again)! It’s nice to hear that you appreciate the amount of effort that we contribute to keeping our plugins maintained.

Version: 3.10.1-CS-API
The developer is extremely active and responsive to support. ive purchased other streak reward plugins and nothing compared. Very happy with my purchase
Author's response
Thanks for the great review! Glad to hear you like the plugin and we hope we can add your suggestions soon!

Version: 3.8.8-CS-API
This is the nest resource I've ever used for player retention, users always login for their bonuses
The GUI is intuitive to customise
The whole plugins is clean and I wouldn't expect anything but
Not only that but I've always had great support when needed in the authors discord server

Highly recommended 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Author's response
Thanks for the review! We appreciate te review and are glad to hear you enjoy the plugin along with our support :)

Version: 3.7.9-CS-API
Just an overall corrupt developer. Definitely doesn't care for his customers. I mean take a look at the reviews.... save your money and time. Do not dare reach out to this suspicious developer.
Author's response
Thanks for the review without using the updated version, it goes well with the previous one.

Version: 3.7.6-CS-API
Once I downloaded this plugin and I had to buy an additional one along with it. Well, the main thing is that it works correctly.
But no, it just killed my server, before the author could not solve this problem and the support from him was bad. The engine of the system of these plugins, with some strange name, causes incredible overloads and lags, it is recorded separately in the timings reports.
Author's response
Thanks for the review. You never reached out once, and you definitely DO NOT have to purchase any other plugins for this to work. If you remove this review we’ll offer you support over our discord channel as is stated. This is not the way to ask for help.

Version: 3.7.5-CS-API
The plugin itself is working perfectly. But the lack of support about custom model data is realy a big downside. Dev stated that "DailyBonus is not meant to be a menu plugin" yeah i know but this plugin have built-in menu ? why doesnt add the support for model data ? instead of have to bought another plugin just to show the model data.

I know model data isnt stated anywhere in the plugin pages but having to bought a menu plugin just for this extra feature when i used another menu plugin to handle all the menu is not worth it.

I know. I read all the review, read all the chat related to the model data and come to conclusion. It will not support model data. Ever.

I know. I Know. I know. and i'm sorry.

(Will change the review to 5 stars once its support model data)
Author's response
I would like to say thanks for the review, but I can’t. You are essentially trying to use your review as leverage for us to add something which is not apart of the plugin. We offer a menu plugin should you wish to use additional menu features, otherwise there are many menu plugins which offer what you’re looking for. Rather pathetic you chose to give a 1 star review for something which you know has nothing to do with the plugin. Have a great day.

Version: 3.7.1-CS-API
I decided to leave a review based on all the one star reviews... I don't really understand where they are coming from. If you have a decent understanding of Minecraft plugins, you should be able to edit this easily. It was extremely easy to setup.
Author's response
Thanks for the review! Glad to hear you didn't have any issues setting it up!

Version: 3.7.1-CS-API
I cannot agree with the last comments.

The plugin works as it should, although the configuration files are not quite easy to use, but if you understand the operation of one reward, the rest can be done on its template using copy -> paste - I personally configured the plugin to grant one item for the player in the form package that is supported by another plugin that is responsible for awarding prizes. (for 22 days streak)

In my opinion, the plugin currently deserves 4/5, but looking at the recent comments I will give 5 to be fair to the author who updates it on a regular basis despite the opinions of players.
Author's response
Thanks for the review! If there’s something you think we could do to improve it please let us know in the Discord

Version: 3.6.8-CS-API
I deeply regret my purchase, it is not configurable without paying another promenu plugin, the base menu is really basic within 6 days (and not per month) if you try to configure it within 30 days the plugin will not give the rewards , it is impossible to modify the icons in custom model data or others, the launch of the plugin is done at 1 day intervals so on the 1st day the players will not be able to recover their rewards, I really don't like the reset system force to reset the database manually, this plugin isn't worth this amount of money I'm really disappointed. I couldn't test the support because I left the discord by mistake, the re-register prevents me from re-login I have to wait 30 days! I will therefore no longer use this plugin or others from this developer.
Author's response
Thanks for the review. This is completely baseless and false. You have the ability to customize the menu however you want including using all 54 slots if you really want. The fact you gave the plugin a one star review makes absolutely no sense. Unfortunately if you cannot configure a plugin you won’t be able to customize it as you like. Everything you mentioned can be configured to do what you were looking for had you read the documentation and just done it.

Version: 3.6.8-CS-API
The plugin has a few issues. But the main problem is the developer has a snarky rude attitude when you try to ask for help. He has a wierd habit of just talking through a bot, in his discord while he stays hidden. Totally not worth having to pay for. Would refund if I used his support beforehand.
Author's response
Thanks for the review. You continued to report that there were “problems” when there weren’t any at all. You could have read the error messages but chose not to. We told you how to investigate it yourself but chose not to. Ultimately it was an easy fix if you just looked at your own logs. Also you are paying for the plugin, not support, we provide free support from our own time and it is quite frustrating when people like yourself claim there are issues rather than even try to look into it themselves. I don’t understand how this is a 1 star review at all.

Version: 3.6.6-CS-API
The plugin does what it needs to... however, if you require any support, be prepared to go through stupid amounts of trouble to verify. Note, you need to do this every time the plugin is updated. Enjoy. (Read below reviews.)

The developer is a complete prick. Horrible plugin, read the reviews. Not going to bother explaining why when many already have.

They're completely lazy with the support you provide. If you do not understand something on their wiki, you do not get support. This covers all of their plugins. They will also ignore your question's too and tell you not to request support.

Proof from their crappy dailybonus plugin: https://ibb.co/M9bJhsG
Author's response
This review has no merit to it whatsoever. Honestly it's not even worth our time to try and mediate this situation as you refuse to accept anything we say constructively in any manner. Not only that but you think it's okay to just go on a rampage and give 1 star reviews to all of our plugins for literally no reason other than the fact you cannot wait for us to assist you once we have addressed other more prudent issues. We will be officially revoking your support until you remove these reviews. Have a great day.

Version: 3.6.6-CS-API
The plugin does what it needs to... however, if you require any support, be prepared to go through stupid amounts of trouble to verify. Note, you need to do this every time the plugin is updated. Enjoy. (Read below reviews.)

Version: 3.6.4-CS-API
I love this plugin and I cannot wait for it to be updated to 1.19 :D Great work JC!
Author's response
Thanks for the review! We’re glad to hear you like the plugin. Our 1.19 update should be out soon, we’ve just been slightly delayed.

Version: 3.6.4-CS-API
You need to pay another plugin in order to use CustomModelData in the reward menu.

How in the world is this allowed on spigot?
Author's response
Thanks for taking the time to leave a review. This plugin is for offering daily rewards to players, not for providing menus. We outline it rather clearly that this is the case and state that you need our other plugin ProMenus if you want additional menu functionality (we offer rather extensive functionality even without a dedicated menu plugin).

Additionally we can see you purchased the plugin 6 years ago and this is the first review from what we can see that you’ve decided to leave which is rather disheartening. We’ve provided free updates including many improvements over that time and the menu system is far better than it was in the beginning.

Hopefully you consider removing this review as it has nothing to do with DailyBonus and seems you are upset it doesn’t include a feature which was never once advertised.

Version: 3.6.3-CS-API
I like your Plugin

Please Update to Version 1.19

Thank You
Author's response
Thanks for the review, we do have plans to update however have no ETA at the moment. If you have additional feedback regarding the plugin we would love to hear it!

Version: 3.5.2-CS-API
Usually, developers give only support to latest version of its product, it has became an standard, as is the only way a Dev can handle the problems or bugs in his code.
This author, does not work this way, and you should know this.
You will be forced to re-register and re-register on every new version the dev publish. If not, A simple discord bot will message you about being not suitable for support due to not re-validation of terms.
Dev also states that you can be banned for support if you do not read his full change-log in every deployment.

Also, this kind of re-register scheme is not suitable from console, so, if you are configuring a new server, or a sandbox area, you'll be forced to enter the server and execute a few commands from ingame.
Author's response
Thanks for the review. This has absolutely nothing to do with the plugin itself but we’ll still respond anyways.

The purpose of the confirmation upon a new version being released is to ensure we only support you if you are in fact using the latest version. When we post updates it’s a waste of time when people using outdated versions complain about things we have already addressed or fixed in the latest version.

This confirmation is completely automated and literally takes less than 1-2 minutes if you actually read the update notes.

I don’t understand what this complaint about not being console friendly is, but if you really cared and it bothered you that much you would make a suggestion in the discord rather than coming here and posting this rant with no substance.

So thanks for taking the time to leave a review, maybe next time it can be one which makes some sense and isn’t just a “1 star” because you ultimately have no real opinion but want to leave a negative impact as much as possible.

Version: 3.5.2-CS-API
upgrade please. it is a pay plugin can u at least upgrade it once a new version comes out?
Author's response
We already support all versions from 1.7.10-1.18.1. As new Spigot versions because available publicly (not in betas) we update our plugins accordingly. This doesn’t warrant a 1 star review at all.

Version: 3.5.2-CS-API
I'm tired of fighting these plugins. At first, this plugin did not issue bonuses, but this was solved by prescribing the /dailybonus claim command (why? how should it work?). But now both CS-API plugins are crashing my server. They create wild overloads when using their menus and use RAM from 10 to 23 gigabytes! They create overloads and drop the server. Terrible. Plugin versions where CS-API is not specified are not loaded by the server at all.
Version 1.16.5, airplane core.
Author's response
Thanks for the review. This seems like a lot of different comments most of which we’re not too sure what you’re referring to. We can assure you that the plugin would never require 20gb+ of RAM, I imagine you need to specify a memory limit when starting your server (completely unrelated to any plugin).

This is not the place for support and you would have to use our Discord channel, so there’s not much more we can say in regards to this.

Version: 3.5.0-CS-API
Even though I have purchased this plugin, I need to purchase another paid plugin, ProMenus, in order to use custom model data. Are you kidding me? All you have to do is add one line, 'model: 1'.
Author's response
This review is not constructive at all. The purpose of the plugin is to provide daily rewards and we still provide menu functionality anyways. If you want more menu features you can purchase and use our menu plugin, or use an alternative.

Also to mention you bought this plugin a year ago when we didn’t even provide any support for custom models, so why you’re complaining about this now is beyond me.

I would hope you remove this review as it has nothing to do with the plugin itself. If you would like to discuss it please use our discord server.

Version: 3.4.7-CS-API
Awesome plugin does as displayed, Dev can seemed annoyed at pretty much any question but the documentation he links is very helpful if you can follow along. Dev doesn't seem to believe needing help configuring the plugin isn't proper "support" so don't bother going to the discord with anything other than a bug. 9/10 for the plugin , 4/10 for support
Author's response
Glad to hear you like the plugin, sorry to hear you weren’t satisfied with the support process. We ultimately can’t help every buyer with configuration so we’ve provided as much documentation as possible. Yes if there are any bugs to report we are happy to help in the support channel.

Version: 3.4.4-CS-API
Banned me from his discord because i'll cant provide him more information because there is no information. This guy thinks that im talking in a negative manner. I tried to start a normal conversation with him but he became angry. Man just calm down a little. Was about to send me my logs. But couldnt even enter his discord server anymore. I dont know whats wrong with this dude. The plugin itself is OK, but dont ask for support. You'll be banned.
Author's response
Thanks for the review.

You came into the support channel asking for help providing very little to no information. We asked for a few standard things including a log. You proceeded to act very confrontational saying there were “no errors in it” so it would not be of use, and from there you continued to question every single thing when all we wanted was more information. How do you expect us to investigate something when you don’t provide us information on how to reproduce or the scenarios in which it occurs. There are literally 150+ servers currently using this plugin with 2000+ concurrent players daily. I’m sorry if your needle in a haystack “my streak was reset” is not something we can use as a sufficient statement to identify any issue.

The fact you even came back to ask for support after insulting the way we handle it in your previous review (which you have since removed) amazes me.

It is for these reasons we decided it’s not worth our time to try and assist you any further as you refuse to be assistive in any way when all we asked for was additional information.

Have a great day.

Edit: Previous review conveniently removed https://gyazo.com/d1d9af490223aba7ce1b2f7ecad67d9e

Version: 3.4.0-CS-API
This plugin works as advertised. I don't use econ so I had to remove prices from everywhere. After a few tweaks it's perfect. Permissions function perfectly with LuckPerms. If possible, please add a faster way to disable prices. I don't use economy so I had to go through deleting all the prices.
Author's response
Thanks for the review! Kind of odd that your only complaint is that you had to change the rewards? That would be expected, don’t imagine people want to use the default config without changing it at all.

Version: 3.3.5
Im really done with this Developer, deleting messages and he cant handle bug reports at all, you shouldnt create plugins if you cant handle support. Good plugin but he is a bit arrogant to people. Also, dont try to post a message below this review saying that this is all my fault. Its not and i dont have any problems with other Devs. Keep goin with your plugin, they are good, but there is no way to report bugs at all if messages gets removed on his discord.
Author's response
Thanks for the review, however having said that there are still things I would like to say. I don’t understand why you’re still criticizing me when you didn’t even give me an opportunity to respond. I had removed your initial messages because they were you simply exploding and were in no way relevant, your message yesterday potentially was deleted by the bot as I was testing/implementing some new features.

You proceeded to send a very condescending message “Am I not clear enough?” where in all honesty you weren’t. Still after all of this you never provided an adequate description of the issue you are experiencing. I cannot test or verify something when you don’t provide steps to reproduce. I didn’t even have time to respond to this message because you decided to leave the server when I hadn’t responded in less than 3 hours, just an FYI I was sleeping.

So thanks for the review, but I still don’t understand why you still insist on trying to attack my character. You should consider your own actions before worrying about others.


Version: 3.3.3
This plugin is highly customizable, it has absolutely everything you could need for a reward system.
Only that it can be complicated for some.
In my recommendation if you have never been able to make a menu with requirements and / or variables with deluxemenu, do not buy this add-on since you will be annoying the creator, being so it has an incredible wiki with everything you occupy
Author's response
Thanks for the review glad you like the plugin! There are a lot of options for customization so yes if you are looking to truly make it unique your configurations will become slightly more complex. Thanks again for the review!

Version: 3.3.3
Good plugin does what it says. When getting support the dev seems annoyed at almost any question, but ultimately gives you the support you need. Documentation is very clear and gives you what you need.
Author's response
Thanks for the review! Apologies if it seems that way, just gets rather tiring answering questions either unrelated or already documented.

Version: 3.3.1
The developer is very active in his communication in discord. Before I purchased this plugin, I asked a question; when he figured out that the feature was missing, but could be easily solved, he added the new feature within a day. I would highly suggest this plugin for its active and passionate developer :)
Author's response
Thanks for the review! Glad I could get the feature you were looking for added so quickly :)

Version: 3.2.11
Wie verbinde ich es mit coins-API ???
Habe es schon versucht komme aber nicht weiter können sie mir da ein tipp geben oder ein erklärung
Author's response
This is not the place to ask for assistance or support. Please remove this review and join the Discord channel as is clearly stated. There is already documentation clearly describing all of the available actions which are used for giving players their reward as well.

Version: 3.2.11
Dev is still terrible at giving support always just points to the wiki when i clearly said wiki is not helpful for me bcz i tried everything that wiki said or maybe I'm doing something wrong so help me.. But no he is way too arrogant...



Bought this plugin about 1-2 years ago now and I've tried many many times to use this plugin but always failed because of bugs, lack of good wiki, and arrogant dev...
Author's response
Thanks for the review. I’ve literally written hundreds of pages of documentation, provided you the exact link to the page detailing the actions and everything about them. You have had an issue with me for no reason whatsoever and have constantly acted in a poor manner anytime you have been in contact with me. I’m sorry if you’re not willing to read through documentation but in all honesty I don’t care at this point. I’m not going to take time of my day to setup your configuration files for you when I have clearly detailed how to do so in documentation. Thanks for the 1 star review, can’t wait for the constant barrage of them with every update I post!

Version: 3.2.11
It is a very good plugin to keep users connected!
Everyone has fun waiting for the rewards ^^
Discord support is very good and fast

Keep up the great work!
Author's response
Thanks for the review! Glad you and your players like it! :)

Version: 3.2.9
The plugin is now working fine on this version, a very good work from the developer !
Author's response
Thanks for the review! Glad you like the plugin :)

Version: 3.2.6
Learn about the principle of menu operation from WIKI, and customize various menus
You can also set various permissions VIP to receive various rewards
Author's response
Thanks for the review! Good to hear you like the menu options and the permission rewards :)

Version: 3.2.4
Let me start off by saying that I have given this plugin multiple chances and attempted to reach out to the Dev numerous times for the fact the plugin does not sync across servers.

The plugin warns that the delay should be decrease, the dev says it should be increased.

This plugin does NOT work across multiple servers.

The dev offers D quality support because he refuses to do any thing besides tell you his plugin works, you can send server logs, you can send anything and he will reference you to his shit wiki page that is disorganized.

Do not buy this plugin.
Author's response
Thanks for the review, after providing support on numerous occasions, describing exactly how and what needs to be done you still have an issue with the support, rather surprising if you ask me. I frequently simply asked for some logs or your configuration files or ANYTHING OF THE SORT yet you never provided them, how am I supposed to know the root cause of something on YOUR SERVERS when you never provide any additional information. I can’t magically predict your problems the fact you think I can is beyond me.

You constantly badgered me and claimed I had no idea what I was doing, yet I still tried to offer you assistance, it’s a shame really. Not only that but you also went off on a rant exclaiming how you run over 30 servers and are a certified Linux administrator, amazes me someone with your qualifications still doesn’t understand how to properly provide adequate RCA when asked for it and constantly states the same useless message that it “allows claiming on multiple servers” and nothing more.

If any potential buyers have any doubts about these interactions and consider these rather moronic opinions relevant feel free to DM me and I’ll send screenshots from each of the conversations.

Once again thanks for the review.

Version: 3.2.3
I don't understand all the negative reviews this author gets. The plugins have great documentation, easy to follow, and I haven't had any issues with any of his plugins. This is a good one, hopefully it can help me with player retention
Author's response
Thanks for the review! I appreciate the kind words, glad to hear you like the plugins I offer! :)

Version: 3.1.2
very good plugin, the menu is well customizable is really nice! :)
the dev is active and listens better, so I recommend this plugin
Author's response
Thanks for the review glad you like the plugin!

Version: 3.0.3
The bad reviews in the past have never really shown the actual quality of the plugin but rather the lack of support. It seems like the author became a better person and learned from this experience. Great plugin and keep up the good work!
Author's response
Thanks for the review! You're right just trying to find ways to help now, glad you enjoy the plugin!

Version: 3.0.2
I have always enjoyed this plugin, and while it has had some bugs crop up, I'm happy with the resource as provided and always have been.
The new version is great as I expected it would be, many thanks to the Author! :)
Author's response
Thanks for the review! Glad to hear you’re a long time user, hopefully you enjoy the updates to come as well!

Version: 3.0.1
Still doesn't work, i don't know if you realised but i paid you for a working product. You are punishing your customers for critizing a plugin that didn't even work? Not to mention it still doesn't work.

I'm not going to remove my reviews to gain access to this plugin, instead you should put up a quality product and ask them politely if they could remove their reviews.

You just blew your chanche at redemption.
Author's response
I’m not trying to punish anyone, I’m making a request that you consider that it is not the same plugin as when you left those reviews painting it in such a negative light.

Your account has been re-granted full access and I hope you re-evaluate the software with an open mind.

We all move forward in time, if you’re stuck in the past and don’t believe that people and situations can change you won’t get anywhere.

An open channel of discussion needs to be available. If you only open reviews to voice your opinion then it's hard for anything to change.

Providing continuous feedback and having an open dialogue is the only way we can continue to grow and improve as individuals and a community.

Version: 3.0
Was very excited for seeing an update as i had lost all hope for this resource. But even with this massive update the plugin refuses to work. After several times trying all kinds of different things it just doesn't work.

The plugin is still of horrible quality, i strongly advise anyone to stay away from any of his plugins.

But you know fair is fair, here have another star for trying.
Author's response
Hey, I addressed the reason as to why the plugin wouldn’t start for individuals like yourself in the update message.

I understand you can post whatever reviews you wish but it would be nice if you tried to reach out for support before calling my work “horrible” and trying to deter all people away from me and my resources.

Not much more I can say really. Hope you can see this from the point of view of the person who’s put tens if not hundreds of hours into something you’ve diminished almost immediately.

Version: 2.2.8
This resource claims to work with version 1.15 but it doesn't. Please fix soon or remove this resource from the store to avoid new purchases.

Version: 2.2.8
plugin is no longer working, i just pasted into my plugins folder, and start the server, commands works but when i do /db to claim my reward, says -an internal error has occured bla bla bla, and this never happened before, btw using 1.15.2 paper engine

Version: 2.2.8
F - 0 help 0 answer - don't waste your money on this plugin
1.15.2 nothing works and a lot of errors in the console

Version: 2.2.8
I spent $5 for my 1.15 server and it didn't work at all, gotta try and find another plugin that works now. Waste of money and the Developer should remove the plugin from sales.

Version: 2.2.8
A lot of bugs with permissions. I'd like to refund it....................................

Version: 2.2.8
This is a terrible plugin. It doesn't work on 1.15.2. I want a refund. For the same amount, you can take Timed Rewards

Version: 2.2.8
Month by months the plugin become really bad and horrible to use, many strange error appear, developper don't do nothings and when he anwser he will get terrible...
Go to look about anothers Daily Bonus plugin !

Version: 2.2.8
1.15 support is straight up broken, why even say it works on 1.15? Don't buy this plugin or anything else from this author. Even when the plugin does work on 1.14.4, it still manages to be riddled with issues. It's basically almost a straight up scam.

Version: 2.2.8
- Non-functional 1.15 support.
- Uses broken / improper methods no longer available or used in the latest upstream Spigot.
- Broken MySQL implementation, while flatfile is still being written to when used.
- No internal plugin remapping support to allow the border colored pane glass to function and re-color/highlight in newer MC versions.
- Riddled with plugin exceptions reported over the course of multiple years.
- Streaks do not properly reset automatically when reaching the end and continue to reward the last reward every new claim.
- Plugin support doesn't exist and if you try to reach out, you'll either go ignored while being advertised to or told support won't be given.

Please heed caution and read all the reviews if you are interested in this plugin. As well as take a look at the plugin's resource forums. If you value your time and money, I do not recommend making this purchase. Find an alternative and a developer who is deserving of any modicum of respect.

Version: 2.2.7
Plugin is left for dead, no support is being provided, used to be good...
Don't buy this, many alternatives are out.

Version: 2.2.7
i want a refund it dose not even work like this is a waste of money trust.................

Version: 2.2.7
Plugin is very buggy, people can get unlimited rewards at the end and sometimes players data is randomly reset or rolled back. Also it sometimes displays the incorrect reward.

Version: 2.2.7
I have bought 3 plugins from this author and in past 1 year, I was not able to make any use of all 3 because of lack of wiki, support from author and lots of issues in all 3 plugins. The author is so rude and wasted $40 on these plugins I should have donated to the free plugin makers for their hard work...
So to anyone who thinks to buy plugins from this author...
Save yourself by not wasting your time and money on any of plugins from this author. I ignored all the reviews and thought they might be wrong or they didn't know how to config and all...

Version: 2.2.7
This plugin is dysfunctional and completely broken. The developer does not listen to or care about bugs or problems, as seen in the reviews here.
Do not EVER buy this or any other plugin from this developer.

Version: 2.2.7
Not sure whats entirely wrong with this plugin or rather, used to.

Running it on a 1.14.3 server and it seems to run just fine.
No errors, page is pretty well documented about what it does and can do.
Configurations of said files is very easy.

Version: 2.2.7
I use it in 1.12.2.
and it works well
I hope to be able to use it soon in 1.14.3

Version: 2.2.7
Don't buy this plugin, dev ignore all the bug reports. Using MySQL and still write data to a flatfile report long ago still not fixed.

Version: 2.2.7
Doesn't even work. It's a waste of money it won't let me do any commands it's a scam.

Version: 2.2.7
The author does not give any kind of support for the plugin. Latest update doesn't fix any bugs/issues we all owners have reported. He ignores everyone and just bumps his plugin with useless updates.

Version: 2.2.6
The author does not give any kind of constructive support in case of errors. I did a request and the answer was "Just configure right" while at the same time there is no detailed information on what the config has to look like,

As seen on the other reviews, the author likes to blame his customers for his own shortcomings. That's not professional.

I wouldn't care at all, if it weren't for the money i wasted on this.
Author's response
You purchased the plugin May 7th, and I have 0 PM’s from you in this time. Regardless you are not guaranteed any support whatsoever with the purchase simply the product in question being the software itself.

Version: 2.2.6
good plugin but /dailybonus reset doesnt work. It's really sad, and i cant open the API for seeing the rewards (because i take the reward)

Version: 2.2.6
Good plugin but "reset_after_last_reward" doesn't works. Will change review after dev fix this.

Version: 2.2.6
Don't be fooled by updates author gives for new versions. Plugin dont work actually and author never listens to buyer's issues or bug reports. Even author will ignore them or comment on something. But author will never fix them. Read all reviews before thinking to buy this plugin. And go to the wiki page.

You still got time to correct your mistakes. Just start by making a discord server for support and try to be more supportive in reviews/discussions area. Your plugins review will change to 5 stars in no time.

All you have to do is TRY.
Author's response
I figured you’d post yet another another 1 star review for no reason. You realize that if you continue to approach life with such a negative perspective you won’t get very far.

What have you accomplished by continually giving 1 star reviews. If anything you’re compelling me less and less to want to provide new updates and features, because why would I encourage those who despise me.

You have a delusional mindset to believe you deserve any sort of updates or support of me going above and beyond when you act out in the ways you have. Go ahead and make your own discord support channel if you care so much :)

Version: 2.2.5
The maker of this plugin is the most scummy, piece of trash kind of person you could get. Someone who could make a functioning, working, useful plugin decides to instead be a low life helping nobody and scamming people. He makes it so if you edit anything in the config, it breaks and he claims it 'works as shown above.' This means EXACTLY lol. This also means that the function to reset it after a player reaches 7 days doesn't work, therefore causing this plugin to only work for 7 days. BUT JUST KIDDING, it should break within the first day. Anyways, even though its 3 dollars, neither this guy or his plugin are worth it. Terrible
Author's response
Thanks for the review of how you perceive me.

Version: 2.2.5
Great idea, but lack of clear support along with game breaking bugs/exploits makes this one a no for me. Seller has assumed a superiority complex when conducting communication with buyers, that is if you are able to get a response.

Many free and more stable alternatives. Go there before you come here.

Willing to change rating if known bugs are fixed and streamlined compatibility is established.
Author's response
So you complain about “game breaking bugs/exploits” yet don’t elaborate on what these are whatsoever. You then proceed to complain about me personally when no support is guaranteed or provided (read Spigots TOS and my own). Finally you complete the review with a statement which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever regarding “streamline compatibility”, what are you even trying to say with this openly vague and extremely useless sentance. Are you trying to seem more intelligent by using larger words which exceed the use of your typical vocabulary? Regardless thanks for wasting your time by posting this “review” if you can even call it that.

Version: 2.2.5
Plugin works as described but there are some major breaking bugs, including "reset_after_last_reward: true" does not work.

Version: 2.2.5
The plugin works pretty well here, not sure about all these negative comments below but here's the IP; play.raschnetwork.com

Haven't seen a single problem so far, I'm using MySQL to sync the time between my game modes and well... what can I say, thanks for making this.

Obviously if there's an issue I just hope the dev can fix it but so far it's all good.
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 2.2.5
Author complained that my review was non constructive, so let me give you something to build off of... It would be a great start to make your plugin actually work. My server is on 1.12.2, and I've tried various versions of the plugin to see if any where somewhat functional. On every version this plugin just creates a non-functional GUI where players can simply just remove parts of the GUI such as the emerald block and just keep it. All this plugin is useful for is creating a duplication glitch for your players, so if that's something you desire, this is perfect for you.

And no, I didn't contact you, because just based off reading the reviews you don't seem to be very helpful regarding fixing your dysfunctional plugin. I'd rather just accept that I wasted money and move on to a working plugin than try to waste time resolving this.

To anyone reading this, just move on to a different rewards plugin, this isn't worth your time.
Author's response
The reviews section is not the place to attemptedly explain what you’ve done. If you really even wanted to try you would have contacted me however you still have chosen not to. You really didn’t need to change your review from the previous version as this is still non constructive.

Version: 2.2.5
Plugin does not work properly, have a few bugs, that makes it unusable. The only place, where author is responsing is revievs section, wher he is denying everything, but the truth is that he is ignoring all problems and only takes money.
Author's response
The plugin works as stated on the page, and correct I don’t respond to many messages where the user doesn’t even try to solve the issue themselves and hopes I can do everything for them. Thanks for the review.

Version: 2.2.5
Works when it wants to, config is horrible, and author seems like a snob. I'll increase the review to a 4 if the plugin becomes free.
Author's response
Thanks for the non constructive review, guess your review won’t ever be 4 stars then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Version: 2.2.5
Same mistake i made as person below this review. Wish i'd read the reviews. Because author is very rude and not helpfull at all. If you have any kind of issue forget about getting any kind of help at all. Author will either just ignore you, or say helping you will be waste of time.
Author's response
Thanks for posting a review based solely on the fact you’re trying to hate on all of my resources. I appreciate you wasting your time of day to post this uninformative poor review.

Wish i'd read the reviews before buing didnt work and waste of money this plugin should be max 0.10 GPB because the commands works in chat but doesnt execute anything..

Our community has been using this plugin for months now, with great results. Thank you to the author for the 1.13 update!

We have noticed some errors between 2 plugins with the new version. Is there somewhere we can submit the log for further investigation?

Thank you for creating and updating this wonderful resource!

Refuses to answer bug reports. Refuses to update the plugin with much needed fixes. False advertising with 1.13 support. It is IMPOSSIBLE to get the daily bonus GUI working due to the border_item setting. Data values no longer exist yet that setting REQUIRES one to exist.

So you can't change STAINED_GLASS_PANE;1;%coloured_glass% to a working value.


at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) [?:1.8.0_181]
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at com.culleystudios.dailybonus.item.Item.create(Item.java:43) ~[?:?]
at com.culleystudios.dailybonus.BonusMenu.setBorder(BonusMenu.java:354) ~[?:?]
at com.culleystudios.dailybonus.BonusMenu.setItems(BonusMenu.java:58) ~[?:?]
at com.culleystudios.dailybonus.BonusMenu.open(BonusMenu.java:48) ~[?:?]
at com.culleystudios.dailybonus.commands.CommandEx.onCommand(CommandEx.java:86) ~[?:?]
at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginCommand.java:44) ~[server.jar:git-Spigot-f6a273b-8ab46ff]
... 15 more

stop leaving fucking negitave reviews, when you do he never updates and if he does you legit just shit on his work fucking stop it already its too annoying if you have a problem keep it to your self. keep updating dev - pleasee


I am changing my review after finally talking to the developer.

This message from him sums my experience up perfectly. https://gyazo.com/2c20a6da6951b120d5a3abd117823aa9

This plugin's configuration only has the header. This makes it so we cannot edit it without it breaking. Apparently, this is OUR fault.

I am sorry that I bought this plugin. It was a COMPLETE WASTE of $8.

-- Updating review after countless updates. --

I would still not recommend this plugin to anyone. Many, many people have told the developer about bugs, he continues to completely ignore them, likely meaning he will not fix them.

We have found that you can simply grab the items from the GUI, last I saw the developer said this was user error without giving them any help on fixing it.

Leaderheads support is non-existent.

Players randomly get reset back to the first reward.

Players are not always set back to the first reward when they reach the final level, even if it is set to in the config.

To finish the review, here is a quote from JC_Plays -

"If you have any issues with the plugin you will contact me via PM and I will help you with your issue before you post a negative review stating something like "The plugin doesn't work".

I am under no obligation to provide support and do so at my own discretion."

He will not provide support, even if you privately send him a message or post it in the discussion. If he ever does respond, he simply states it is user error.

I posted some information in the resource discussion page to let the author know that there is bugs within the plugin that allows you to duplicate the items within the GUI. He has ignored me and posts updates so it's obvious that he's on. I also mentioned him and he still ignored me. So there is very little support.

We all love your work, please do something to this plugin. Were he to fix and improve on the past mistakes! Recreate the plugin if you have to, we will be here to support the future of the plugin!

Amazing plugins, community members and staff alike absolutely loved its features. Hoping for 1.13 support soon! <3

I'm not gonna say this is a good or bad resource, I will not say you should or should not buy it, I'm not even gonna claim it does or doesn't work, all I'm gonna say is I love the idea of it and I hope it's updated to 1.13

I really like this plugin, but I cant get the Perms to work even after deleting, and reinstalling the plugin, and taking what you've giving on this page. Other than that I absolutely love it.

Listen I'm not giving you 1 star like everyone else here because, you did put some hard work into this, but please update it. Even if its small just bring it back and fix it one by one. Or even revamp the whole plugin. Dont give up man, you made it this far. Dont let anyone's hate here make you want to stop trying, try hard enough i guarantee this could be a very successful plugin.

Broken plugin :)
And author blocked me too

I bought 4 plugins form author, And I'll not buy anymore at all.
Author's response
I never blocked you, and yet you’re posting negative reviews on all my plugins for no reason.

Terrible plugin. A lot of issues and overall it does not work as it should. I highly recommend nobody to purchase this, as I and so many others have, it is frankly a waste of money until the issues are fixed at least, but judging from previous reviews and earlier conversations with the developer, they likely never will be fixed.

Do not buy this plugin.

Broken plugin, do not buy. Players can take items out of GUI, nothing works. Developer does nothing to fix these issues.
Author's response
Can confirm you have never contacted me or reached out in any sort of fashion. Probably a simple configuration error on your end but hey, if you wanna just complain and act out by giving a 1 star review which deeply and truly hurts me to my core go ahead *sarcasm in case you didn’t get that*. Have a great day my friend!

When will you ever fix reset_after_last_reward not working and player info being written to players.yml when mysql is enabled? Reported these issues over a year ago!

Still broken as of v2.2.3.2. Causes server lag and hard crashes when the errors occur.

Anyway, dont put 1 start because this is the result after hard work on code of the developer . This plugin still have a lot of bugs and sometimes it broken , you need to work harder on this resource and optimize your code :) Thank you and happy new year 2018 !!

You can take items out of the gui. This isnt worth the money anyways in no ways does it "Help get more players" it does opposite to be honest.

It's a nice plugin and a nice concept but sometimes if I do need support the developer just isn't the person I would like to go to. The support for this plugin really needs to improve and then I would love to change my rating.


I am changing my review after finally talking to the developer.

This message from him sums my experience up perfectly. https://gyazo.com/2c20a6da6951b120d5a3abd117823aa9

This plugin's configuration only has the header. This makes it so we cannot edit it without it breaking. Apparently, this is OUR fault.

I am sorry that I bought this plugin. It was a COMPLETE WASTE of $8.
Author's response
100% sure the file has more than a header, if you can't understand that a "#" is a commented out line then there's nothing I can do about that. I'm sorry you were unable to follow standard formatting used in all bukkit/Spigot plugins. Thanks for the review anyways though.

Plugin seems to work fine, however, when using it becomes very apparent that the plugin is severely bugged.

I read the TOS and contacted the dev about this bug (one pertaining to the premium node that is supposed to give extra items) and was met with silence for almost an entire week. The response I received was "I tested this on my test server and everything seems fine." However, everything is not fine and the plugin doesn't work correctly when configured differently.

It is not explicitly stated that expanding the dailybonus menu past 1 without adding new rewards causes an erroring issue. I do not know if this is because when coding to access inventories, it can only call items that are there or something. It would be very helpful if things like this were included into the config in the commented area.

I am willing to change my review if the plugin is fixed but as it stands, I cannot recommend anyone purchase this plugin. The response time on support is very slow and is not constructive. The dev completely ignores the discussion section as if it doesn't exist and many people still post there without knowing that he doesn't read it.

The plugin basically doesn't work. Peoples rewards get reset randomly and the last reward doesn't get reset, letting them claim it over and over again.

Multiple people have commented on this plugin explaining the issues but the developer seems to live in his own little bubble where apparently these bugs don't exist.

The Plugin nor work :( I configure it right , but i nor work ingame .... /dailybonus work not, and the MY SQL is not supportet. Please write me ad skype when you know the failure, then i change my Rating. Skype_ Industrialcraft

Many issues still valid as of

Developer fails to reply to valid concerns and ignores numerous reported errors that spam the console log. Including hard server crashes after erroring.

MySQL support is also still broken.

Legitness plugin my peeps really dig using this would be nice if config was a little more easier in terms of nearness

Version: 2.2.3
Only got the Plugin a couple of days ago, and my players love it. It's a really good thing to add to help keep your players active, and coming back.

(for people: to let ops get rewards add this permission to them and they can claim them '-dailybonus.exempt')

Version: 2.2.3
Nice plugin I really like it :)
But it's possible to "integrate" it with your ProVotes plugin? For example if an player vote in the server, it unlock's an reward

Version: 2.2.3
This plugin is amazing i don't know why people are complaining about this is dumb. It does everything it says it will!. I would recommend this plugin if you need a daily rewards plugin. I will also be purchasing his entire line of plugins for my server to use.

Version: 2.2.3
Lots of persistent issues reported almost over a year ago. Dev fails to check the forums and sent site pms to provide support and/or resolve the issue. MySQL support has been broken since I last reported the issue October 2016.

OP people cant get a reward but i like the plugin .

Plugin has so many bugs, and no support for anything like so many people before me have stated. Would not recommend, there are many free alternatives and paid alternatives that are worlds better :l
Author's response
Doesn't even ask for support in any way whatsoever, still leaves a bad review. Basically sums up the direction this community is heading.

Excellent plugin.. :)

+ GUI Menu
+ You can translate everything... (:3)
+ Timer
+ Rewards (Full custom)

Thanks for your work ! 5/5
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Plugin no longer works, and support is never here!

As Larsan says below. Unfortunately the author does not respond to any questions or provides support. Once you buy this you never see or hear from him again, best to look elsewhere for a person that provides support.

Complains not to leave support questions in reviews, but never answers questions in the discussion. Left a question for support weeks ago and still nothing.

Support is terrible and non-existent, only time you get a response is when you leave a neg review. (wait for his response to this)

Author is also rude, by the replies to neg reviews.

All Up: Save your money, you get no support!
Author's response
So let's set the record straight. You don't PM me which is clearly stated in the TOS to receive support but still complain. I'm only responding to this review because I'm tired of people complaining because they choose not to read. Thanks anyways mate.

Plugin has many bugs and the author does not respond. Do not buy this plugin, it's just a waste of money.

The author will not contact you unless a bad review.
and he said "Now I don't respond to people who poorly rate my resources for no reason, so as long as the review stands don't expect support, simple."
so if you buy this plugin you should accept his rules.Your question, I will not answer. You can not give me a bad comment, or I will not give you a solution.
Author's response
Theres so many things wrong with this review I dont know where to start. You're part of the problem as to why resource reviews have become a complete joke.

dev dont answer me, waiting for a fix. -----------------------------------------------------------------------

I can only say nice work!
The plugin is well made,
ans is perfect for servers!

Keep up the good work!
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

The plugin does not work, staff not present.
Permissions do not work
Do not buy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great plugin! My players are excited to use it.
I needed to use /pex user <username> add -dailybonus.exempt before it would work for my admin accounts.
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Well, it looks like a decent plugin... I was excited to use i but sadly it doesn't work. I see many are having the same problem as me with the "dailybonus.exempt" error. If anything, I would appreciate if the developer could release a fix for this, otherwise I've just wasted money.

Two stars because of the lack dailybonus.exempt does not work like you do not give me even to write to PEX here is a photo https://postimg.org/image/4cypt3m4d/ what it does and what is written in the game https://postimg.org/image/ md50wdd71 / If this does not fix the plugin I majtel any money back

This plugin seems amazing when having a first glance, Im having a slight problem, I have added 'dailybonus.menu.open', yet it still says players can't do /dailyrewards, am I doing somthing wrong? I have rated 5/5 because i'm going to guess that you're going to get back to me.
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

dailybonus.exempt?????????????? GO IN HELL
Author's response
This is why they shouldn't have removed the report button on reviews lol

Works perfectly and for all the People who have the "permission 'dailybonus.exempt' Problem": just use "- dailybonus.menu" AND "- -dailybonus.exempt" in the permission.yml file. Fixed it for me ;)
Author's response
Thanks for the review :)

Version: 2.2.1
Ive read the comments below me, and this plugin not deserve that comments, it works perfectly, how can u post that threads, if u dont know how to use a permission plugin?

GUYS trust me, this plugins works 100% Great, and my player love it
I want to say thanks to this awesome Author.

Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 2.2.1
Amazing plugin. Works like a charm! I love the NPC Integration! Keep up the great work.


/manuaddp PLAYERNAME -dailybonus.exempt
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Version: 2.2.0
This plugin is best dailybonus plugin for minecraft servers!
I really recommend this plugin for all!
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 2.2.0
Plugin ir great.
I'm the Owner of the server and I have all permissions to all plugins. ("*")
I can give permission to other groups to recive daily bonus and so on, but me as a Owner can't get the bonus becouse I have all permissions and I can't remove that dailybonus.exempt to plugin also works for me too.
Please create the bypass for the .exempt!! Thanks.

Version: 2.2.0
Plugin works, but doesn't work. Super buggy, streaks are often getting reset. I would be on every single day at the same time, and half the time I don't get the bonus, and it resets my streak, as for other players. And sometimes it gets stuck until you do /db.

Version: 2.2.0
Good plugin but already came across a bug. It says I have the 'dailybonus.exempt' when I don't even have the permission in the group plus I'm OP so it should bypass. So can you plus tell me how todisable this ?

Good plugin but already came across a bug and looks like it's not being updated. It says I have the 'dailybonus.exempt' when I don't even have the permission in the group plus I'm OP so it should bypass.

Plugin works alright, the developer does not seem very interested in helping. The permissions do not work for me, probably because I use PowerfulPerms. Hopefully the permissions issue will be fixed soon and after that it will be more useful.

Plugin idea is good and sorta works except the developer is very rude and won't listen when you try to explain an issue with the plugin. I'd recommend the plugin but expect horrible to no help from the developer. Very rude and will not listen to any issues you are having.

Having a strange issue, the plugin looks great. But it's configuration isn't showing up and apparently I have the permission 'dailybonus.exempt' even though I removed it from myself many times.

Looks like a great plugin! Only problem is, I can't seem to get it to install. I put it into my plugins folder. In-game I enter /plugins and don't see it. However, I see the .jar itself but no config in my folders. Help please?
Author's response
Requires Java 8, thanks for the review

Amazing plugin! The support is the best part, I had a problem, then the developer contacted me in 3 minutes on how to fix it. The only thing I suggest is that the exempt permission doesn't come with *, it makes it a little harder to use. The config is easy, everything is user-friendly, I would really suggest getting the plugin! Overall, a great plugin!
Author's response
Thanks for the review :)

Version: 2.1.8
Great plugin! The support is great, I'm not sure what everyone is complaining about. The developer fixed the only real issue really quickly as well. Responded to me at odd hours, and was really friendly. The plugin has a really easy config with great options.

Pay for it!
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Version: 2.1.8
I'm not too pleased with the support, but the latest version seems to resolve the PlayerJoinEvent error I was reporting in the Discussion. Overall, the plugin is great. Thank you for fixing the inherited exempt perm. Keep up the good work :)
Author's response
Thanks for the review if you have any issues just PM me :)

Version: 2.1.8
Thank you for fixing the inherited exempt perm :) it's a small thing but it really makes a differance while running tests on my local testing server, also a big thank you for the updates, I own this and CustomGUI, they're both great resources. Keep up the good work.
Author's response
Thanks for the review :)

Version: 2.1.8
I am of agreement which one does not receive the no-claims bonus of the days as one is op or even Founder!

Apparently the developer has just corrected that I will test!!!

On the other hand I am not agreement with the bad preceding comment! I have almost all the plugins of this developer and work is really serious. Ok it has there some small worries which can this solve if you to speak to him about it.

Which plugin today ace not of errors???

It is thanks to the purchaser that it will be able to make modifications and not to shout as soon as a thing does not function!

You can buy all the plugin of this developer the eyes to close!!! Often updated!!!

Je suis d'accord qu'on ne reçoit pas le bonus du jours quant on est op ou même Fondateur !

Apparemment le développeur vient de corriger cela je testerai !!!

Par contre je ne suis pas d'accord avec le mauvais commentaire précédant ! J'ai presque tout les plugins de ce développeur et le travail est vraiment sérieux. Ok il y a quelque petit soucis qui peuvent ce résoudre si vous lui en parler.

Quelle plugin aujourd'hui n'as pas d'erreurs ???

C'est grâce aux acheteur qu'il pourra faire des modifications et pas crier des que une chose ne fonctionne pas!

Vous pouvez acheter tout les plugin de ce développeur les yeux fermer !!! Souvent mit à jours !!!
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 2.1.7
One of the greatest plugins! I love the plugin and it has almost 0 issues. The only issue i can find is with the Exempt permission node with ops. Otherwise amazing work!
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Version: 2.1.6
I love this plugin. It is a very good plugin as I've used it. Very user-friendly and worth the money I put on it.
The only suggestion is that could you turn the exempt permission node not default to ops Or do something of that. It's really annoying that I have to load up a second account.
Keep up the good work!
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 2.1.3
Wonderful! This is one of the best plugins I bought. Very easy to set up, I really like it :D Really worth the money!
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 2.1.1
Friendly dev, supports players on their issues and helps them solve the issues they have, this plugin works great and exactly how described.
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 2.1
Pretty good, but on a reload all the data is deleted. If the owner can help me with this (if it is not supposed to happen) I will gladly rate it 5 stars.
Author's response
Thanks for the review however you never contacted me for help...

Version: 2.0.3
If you want a daily reward plugin that is highly customizable, supports a variety of menu types, and can execute nearly any command as a reward, then look no further. This is the plug in that you need.

If you don’t have much experience with running a server, permissions, and/or config files, you might struggle getting things set up initially. It’s not that the plug in is broken; it just requires some more work on your part. The dev is willing to help, but you better make sure that you are doing all that you can to help yourself, first. If you are experiencing problems, send error logs and explain what you have been doing. Saying ‘it’s not working,’ is not helpful. Also the dev requests that you send a PM for plugin support, so if you want help, respect this request — it helps keep the conversation together in one place. [/rant]

I am using this on a non-PVP survival server to give players a reason to come back daily. I am using a non-moving, invincible villager, and setup for this functionality is quick and easy with a slash command and right-click. The config file gives you lots of options: how long until the next reward unlocks? how long is it available?, menu size? is play time required before claiming? is movement required? should the menu auto-open? do players need to click on item to claim it? should players receive reminders that a reward is available?

Note, if you use a permissions plugin and have given yourself all permissions*, you may still have a problem until you negate the dailybonus.exempt permission. You’ll get a message in chat when you try to open the menu if this applies.

My advice is to start out simple for testing, creating just seven rewards so you understand how it works, what the different ‘states’ and lore are all about, and the syntax for giving rewards. I use mcstacker.bimbimma.com to help me come up with the syntax for my ‘give’ commands (no slash needed). If you use %player% for the name of the player when creating commands on this site, you just need to copy/paste the code that is generated (%player% is automatically inserted). This site allows you to quickly and easily create some cool items and weapons with custom enchantments and lore.

I wish that the plugin would give the Day 1 reward immediately upon using the server instead of making players wait 24 hours, but this is not a deal breaker. Also, the option to make rewards available by calendar day (midnight to midnight, daily), would be a nice feature, too.

In short, this plugin works as advertised for me. It might take a little time to configure and tweak, but it’s a much-welcomed feature on my server. I can’t wait to see when some of the players get to reward day 40-something — I have some great things in store!
Author's response
Wow thanks for the detailed review! :)

Version: 2.0.3
Very broken plugin. It gives rewards to players for ex. 5x in 1 day. Many errors, like infinite claim after relog, etc. There are many better (also free) plugins. Author ignored my questions. I'm confused and sad. :(
Author's response
These are definitely not bugs that exist within the plugin if you configure it correctly, you never contacted me once via PM's for any assistance at all.

Version: 2.0.3
Great plugin, works as intended. Searched a long time for a plugin like this, but this one is the first good one :)
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 1.5
Great plugin and active developer. Would recommend this to anyone who wants to encourage players to login!
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 1.5
Great Job! The plugin is very stable and runs smoothly even with an NPC.
Simple to configure and translate! Thanks!
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 1.4
Awesome plugin! I have been wanting some reward system similar to this. I first saw this plugin on the test server.
Author's response
Glad you like the plugin! Thanks for the review!

Version: 1.3.5
It works but the config is very unclear and the reload command doesn't do anything. Ehhh. Not worth it.
Author's response
Could you please explain how the reload command doesn't work? Its only meant to load values from the config.yml and rewards.yml. Also you're the first person coming to me with issues regarding the documentation of the config.yml and you never PM'd me for any help whatsoever.

Version: 1.3.3
Best reward plugin! Competent developer. He helped me in the comprension of the plugin and i resolved all my mistakes in the config. Thanks!
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 1.3.1
Yeah! Absolutely amazing!
Now? No bugs for me! Everything works excelent!
Support? amazing support!
I recommend to all this plugin!
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 1.1.1
Awesome Plugin! Developer responded quickly to my problems and fixed them fast. Great functionality and very cool! Recommended for purchase. :D
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 1.1
Amazing plugin! Thaaanks!

But i have the same problem:
"I'm running spigot 1.8.8 and I basically can't claim the first day reward. It just says completed and the black glass timer just says Claim your Bonus Now, but I can't even claim it as it says Completed. Hope you can find a fix."

PS: I dont have dailybonus.excempt permission.
Author's response
Thanks for the review, I'll look into it!

Version: 1.1
This looks like a really promising plugin! Great work. :D

Although, I have found a bug with version 1.1. I'm running spigot 1.8.8 and I basically can't claim the first day reward. It just says completed and the black glass timer just says Claim your Bonus Now, but I can't even claim it as it says Completed. Hope you can find a fix.

Also, is it possible to add a config option to disable the timer stopping on server stop, but to keep going based on computer time?

Also add a /db help or an unknown command message for something like /db resept etc.

Otherwise, great work. and Thank you in advance. :D
Author's response
It'll only claim the reward if you reopen the menu, if it still won't reward you with it make sure you don't have the dailybonus.excempt permission. As for disabling timer stopping I've never really planned on implementing this but I'll consider it. I'll add a help command in the next update, thanks for the review!

Version: 1.0.3
I love your plugin. And i would love to use it on my server. But its not 1.7.10 support! I'm still going to give you a 5 star rating. But will you think about making it 1.7.10 support? It would help me out alot! :)
Author's response
I really never planned on adding support for later versions as I would have to deal with bugs regarding multiple versions which is not ideal.
I'll look into it but I'm not making any promises, thanks for the review!

Version: 1.0.2
This plugin is perfect for any network, I cannot wait to add this to my CustomGUI plugin. It will all work perfectly! 5/5 stars.
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,623
First Release: Oct 30, 2015
Last Update: Jan 2, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
145 ratings
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