Put the file "Clans-Spigot-VERSION.jar" which can be found in the folder "OnlyOneSpigotServer" of the zip file into your spigot plugins folder
Change the config.yml of Clans if you want to change something (the data storage settings and language will be taken from the Party and Friends config (To use a custom language file you need set "General.UseOwnLanguageFile to true inside the config of Party and Friends)). You may also use the Placeholderapi placeholder %clantagprovider_clantag%, %clantagprovider_clantag_custom_design% (This placeholder can be customized in the config under "PlaceholderCustomDesign") and %clantagprovider_clanname% in other plugins.
A Bungeecord/Velocity + Multiple Spigot Servers:
Make sure that you have the extended version of Party And Friends installed on your BungeeCord/Velocity (the plugin won't work with the non-extended version)
Put the Clans jar into the plugins folder of BungeeCord/Velocity
Change the config.yml of clans if you want to change something (the MySQL data and language will be taken from the Party and Friends config (To use a custom language file you need set "General.UseOwnLanguageFile to true inside the config of Party and Friends))
(Optional) Install the clans jar on servers where you have the Party and Friends GUI installed to get more features for the GUI
(Optional) If you want to see clan tags inside the chat you need to install the Spigot-API of Clans (supports MVdW Placeholders, PlaceholderAPI placeholders and setting display names) onto all spigot servers where you want to use placeholders. Please make sure to also install the Spigot Friend API, as it is a dependency for the spigot clans API. Don't forget to enter the same friends database info into "plugins/FriendsAPIForPartyAndFriends/config.yml".
(Optional) Install clan stats or extensions for Clans. If you don't want to install any clan stats, you should disable the command /clan stats in the config.yml
Is a minigame plugin you are using not in the list? If it is a public plugin (no matter if a paid one or a free one), just ask me (send me a PM, a message via Skype (live:00pflaume), discord private chat (my name is Simonsator and my tag is #5834), my discord server, or email ([email protected])) and give me the MySQL tables of the plugin (you can export them via PHPMyAdmin or an equal program. If you don't know how ask me) and I will add a stat for it totally for free. If it is a non public plugin (coded yourself and only for your server) I will charge a very small fee (about 2€ to 10€ (for a stat with 5 informations (like killed, last played or deaths) I will charge 5€)