Enable: true
Name: '&b&lRules &7&l& &e&lInfo'
Author: '&cAdmins'
Slot: 1
Lore: - §7This book contains the know-how
- §7of the game. Read carefully!
Title: '&dWhat are the rules?'
Content: - '&61. &7No cheating or hacking.'
- '&62. &7Respect
all players.'
- '&63. &7No exploiting bugs.'
- '&64. &7Have fun and enjoy the chaos!'
- '&65. &7Breaking the rules may result in penalties.'
Title: '&bWhat is OITC?'
Content: - '&7OITC stands for &bOne In The Chamber&7.'
- '&6Objective:'
- '&7Eliminate as many players as you can using a bow with a single arrow.'
- '&7Each kill earns you another arrow.'
- '&aTip: &7Aim carefully!'
Add this to arenas.yml under Items in each arena
Added permission command for cosmetic
Code (YAML):
cosmetic-purchase-command: lp user
%player% add %permission%
Add this in your config.yml
Added XSeries for lower version compatibility (Credit: @CryptoMorin )