OITC | Multi Arena | Map Voting | Powerups! | 1.14 - 1.21.x | icon

OITC | Multi Arena | Map Voting | Powerups! | 1.14 - 1.21.x | -----

Fun and simple game! HUGE UPDATE.

Now you can change lobby scoreboard messages

Please add these in config
points-scoreboard: '&6Points'
arrowhit-scoreboard: '&6Arrow Hit'
arrowfired-scoreboard: '&6Arrow Fired'
victories-scoreboard: '&6Victories'
deaths-scoreboard: '&6Deaths'
kills-scoreboard: '&6Kills'
gameplayed-scoreboard: '&6Games Played'
lobby-title-scoreboard: '&bStatistics'

If anyone can translate to other languages like Spanish etc.....
please pm me and i will put a link for it to everyone can use it
----------, Oct 27, 2016
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 15,653
First Release: Oct 27, 2015
Last Update: Yesterday at 2:32 AM
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
88 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings