So sadly, this plugin dosn't work anymore. It works up until the playing part, where it shows the countdown, but never actually counts down.
This is (what I found) the only plugin that actually 1.16.4 recognizes, so it's sad to see that no other OITC plugin exist. Probably an amazing plugin, but for now it dosn't work.
Don't waste your time and download this plugin in the versions above 1.16. It won't work, and the new 'update' is never getting released.
I am so sorry, and I hope you can try the new version.
I found so many bugs. When you join a game, then go back to hub & rejoin- you will be sent to globallobby. I imagine it's not that of a good plugin considering the built in items don't even work.
I like this plugin, but bruh. why so many bugs? If you make a plugin, please make sure it has no bugs. It'sl ike smashing your keyboard and not testing it. I'm salty because these bugs are so blatant that once you test it you'd see the problem
I am really sorry tho. During 2019 and 2020 I was really unmotivated to work on any plugins, however it is not a justification that I did not test this plugin, and I hope that you try the new version.
Dude this is awesome, but a quick question.
What game mode does this have?
(ex : Domination , TDM , FFA , Search and destroy)
nice plugins , but when i at the waiting lobby and use slime ball to go back global lobby it makes my hub scoreboard disappear also , can you fix that?
there is a bug with the signs it's gonna get fixed in the next update
Version: 5.4.0
please help i joined a game of oitc and i couldnt leave i tried to restart my game and restart my server but it hasnt fixed i also cant build because of it
So far so good, but 1 problem, when I put a brand new sign down and join the game, it works fine until I right click the item that says "Back To Lobby" and I right click the sign again but it takes me towards the Global Lobby, it works again when I destroy the sign and make the game sign again.
Based on the other reviews of this plugin and how it works so far it's very good! But I'm running into one problem when I join the game the grace period starts and counts down to 1, from then, I never get my bow & Sword. Any help would be appreciated.
Amazing! I am ecstatic, this plugin (as expected) meets and even surpasses my expectations. This author like most, takes follows his own pace, however, the outcome of waiting is truly amazing!
I really dislike leaving poor reviews, especially on a plugin that is free. However, I have done everything it requires to work and it refuses. I keep getting an error. I reported this issue to the developer in the Discussion tab, but I understand that responses take time. After waiting almost a month for no response I just have given up. I sincerely hope the developer reaches back to me as I had high hopes for this plugin.
Again, this could be my problem on my side but I still feel that is not an excuse to neglect people who are willing to cooperate and help the author.
Well i took the code and this is open source and discountied project so who cares!! At least when i took the code i changed and added at least 80% percent of new features
You can download artish1 oitc plugin and compare it to mine
You will see a huge difference which artish's plugin doesn't has
Great plugin man! could u add a feature where the scoreboard for oitc only shows when players join an oitc game. Example, i have another scoreboard display on main lobby and when players joins an oitc game, the main lobby scoreboard gets override by the oitc scoreboard and shows the oitc scoreboard till the game ends.
Nice plugin. Even so I have found an error and is that when you die and go out in spectator mode, once the game ends you lose sight of other players and they disappear ... What is that?
Love this plugin but mid players is set to 2 only 2 can join, (says that game is full) and that is with max players set to 8 or 10 could use a fix on this thanks good plugin though
TitleManager doesn't broke the scoreboard
Some idea to fix:
Do you have a scoreboard plugin? of yes so check if the plugin is disabled in Arena world
Version: 5.2.1
umm hi. i have this plugin for my server and it works great! but i have a problem. when i do /oitc leave it says an internal error occured. what should i do?
ooh MrRami is back , welcome to SpigotMC!!
we missed you a lot and BTW nice plugin ,
i don't know if you remember me or you know me
i hope you still remember me , Have a nice day
Everything seems great except that everytime a player shoots another player with an arrow they get kicked with this message: Internal Exception: io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException: Use JsonReader.setLenient(true) to accept malformed JSON at line 1 column 1
Thanks and i will make amazing updates in the future :)
Version: 5.0.9
Yes great! Fortunately that you do not stop this plugin because it is a rare pearl this plugin I adore! :)
On the other hand I espere that in a next update, that you can add lines in the scoreboard to make him more beautiful! :)
I like it but is there player permissions to join, leave and see there stats
Good Plugin.
Please add a Mysql System. Please!Please!Please!Please!Please!Please!Please!Please!Please!Please!Please!Please!Please!Please!Please!Please!Please!
Very good work, this plugin is beautifull :)
Just, i have a bug :
When only 2 players are in game, if one of player leaver, the last player can keep playing only :/
The arena doesn't stop ^^
Greetings, great job on those improvements, the plugin's quality went from 5 to 10. Amazing job. Also, is it posssible to add permission for /oitc join? I would like to disable the command in specific world and this would be an easiest way. It's not important, but I would appreciate it. Anyways, good luck, great your ban's gone and you are coding again. Oh, and economy rewards would be also amazing, or is that already in? I saw some ,,coins" in the config, but I think that's not economy rewars is it?
ok i will add permission for oitc join command and i will do vault support
thanks for the review
Version: 4.0.4a
Yeah updates have really improved this plugin, I hope you learned your lesson :p. Plugin has a lot of potential, sadly it had a bit of a rough start but yeah all I can say is good luck with the future and I am sure that many people will enjoy the future updates.
Thank you for upload correct update. Now it work fine. Thanks.
yes you can on config, i will add command edit max players and min players in game
Version: 3.3 [BETA]
Still a very good plugin, just think i found a bug. When playing the game and you die, it spawns you outside the map and doesnt give u the stuff. And when you kill someone, you dont get an arrow. I have selected the arena and it still wont work. AM i doing something wrong? help me asap!
Thanks for making updates for this i will love to have this things in the future:
- Messages.yml to translate all messages from the plugin
- Add a infoboard on lobby like hypixel style
- The infoboard in game put just to show the Top 10 becuase if are 20 players or more are a lot of names and renovate a little the infoboard in game put like the lobby but with the name and Score
- Add title messages on countdown like 10,9,8 ... When you join the arena , when you leave the arena, and when finish the arena
- Show items on lobby to select the kits , leave the game, and some habilities(future things)
- A command to buy kits in the spawn (other world)
For now i think that is this THANKS AGAIN for making this Good Luck!
It was a good plugin! But theres some bugs, Like. there should be a max players and min players command because you have to manually start the game yourself. and also, When yo u die there shouldnt be a title screen and respawn option, Just have them rejoin :) and the kills should be lower also. but i think you can config that. Please fix those and ill update my review :)