This is only the first update of many more! Visit
our Discord to get notified about the many more super interesting changes regarding our addons.
Added support for:
- Hao's Nick API (This includes HaoNick etc.) (Thanks to @MetallicGoat )
- Plan
Added feature:
- Added feature to avoid players exploiting stats
- Comes with various new configs
Config changes:
- Added
- lobby-exbar-animation
- spectator-permit-other-player-view
- "commands-as-console" to lobby-hotbar.yml and spectator-hotbar.yml
- fireball-max-knockback-y
- fireball-max-knockback-xz
- explosive-max-knockback-y
- explosive-max-knockback-xz
- fireball-fly-speed-constant
- itemspawner-auto-center (Thanks to @MetallicGoat )
- stats-antiabuse-enabled
- stats-antiabuse-count-round-min-duration
- stats-antiabuse-count-wins-count
- Added special condition for drop type special name "%VANILLA%", to not apply a custom name
- It is now possibly to apply a "DisplayName" (using NBT) for drop type items
- Added {missing-name} and {missing-amount} placeholders to "TooFew_Materials" and "UpgradeShop_TooFew_Materials" messages
- Removed config arenavoting-enabled
- regeneration-region-efficient is now enabled by default and out of beta
- Sound changes
- Removed sounds from long-removed features
- Added sounds to the setup gui
- ArenasGUI optional click sound (Thanks to @MetallicGoat )
Performance improvements:
- Reduced amount of short-term threads created
- Rewrote commonly used algorithms to be more efficient
- Fixed syncer overloading (reduces odds of micro-lags)
- Now using javaluator instead of Nashorn for parsing expressions to reduce memory footprint
- Redyed blue, light blue, and cyan team ChatColors more appropriately
- Updated "hypixel" template
- Auto turn namespaces (for enchantments) to lowercase to avoid errors
- Added hint with command when warning appears that you must disable/enable the arena first
- Disabling an arena with a running match now "gracefully" stops the match (it regenerates it)
- Removed "old-fishing-knockback" warning for OldCombatMechanics compatibility when using 2.0 or newer
- Removed concurrency world regeneration to avoid server freezes (now only for regions)
- Now hiding item attributes for arena icons (eveywhere where it is being displayed) and items within setup GUI
- The arena voting system has been completely rewritten
- Added arena issue: VOTING_PARTICIPATING
- Various API & config changes
- Added new rejoin warning in case you haven't joined any match yet. Previously it'd instead show that the previous match isn't active anymore
- Immediately end rounds if there is only one team left online (even if solo-rejoin is enabled) (Thanks to @MetallicGoat )
- Improvements to fireball & TNT jumping
- Various new configs
- Velocity calculations more accurately use the locations of explosive & player
- Modified default configs to improve the feeling
- Optimized creation time of region cloned arenas
API changes:
- Including API sources to allow javadoc integration withing IDE's
- Added events
- PlayerUseSpecialItemFireballEvent
- PlayerShopProductGivingDetermineEvent
- PlayerArenaVoteEvent
- ArenaVotingPoolUpdateEvent
- Added misc
- ShopPrice#getMissingAmount(player, inv)
- ShopPrice#getMissingAmount(player)
- BukkitEntitySkin class for hologram API
- BukkitEntitySkin class for hologram API
- GameAPI#useSpecialItem(item, player, arena, holdingItem)
- Helper#playSound(location, sound, volume, pitch)
- Helper#playSound(player, location, sound, volume, pitch)
- Helper#playCustomSound(location, sound, volume, pitch)
- Helper#playCustomSound(player, location, sound, volume, pitch)
- KickReason#ARENA_STOP
- WorldStorage#getNearbyHolograms(location, radius)
- PlayerDataAPI#getStatSet(id)
- RejoinedPlayerIssue#NOT_PARTICIPATING
- HolographicHologramSkin$PlayerSpecificLinesSupplier.of(Message)
- HolographicHologramSkin$PlayerSpecificLinesSupplier.of(List<Message>)
- Helper#evaluateString(string)
- PlayerBuyInShopEvent#getClonedItem()
- PlayerDataAPI#getAchievementTypeById(String)
- PlayerDataAPI#getRegisteredAchievementTypes()
- PlayerDataAPI#getRegisteredAchievementTypes()
- LobbyItem#isCommandsAsConsole()
- LobbyItem#setCommandsAsConsole(boolean)
- SpectatorItem#isCommandsAsConsole()
- SpectatorItem#setCommandsAsConsole(boolean)
- VarSound class
- ShopOpenCause#isInitial()
- UpgradeShopOpenCause#isInitial()
- Arena#getVoting()
- Arena#getParticipatingVotingPool()
- Breaking changes
- Removed NMSHelper#showTitle(player, text, subText, stayTime)
- Renamed parameters within NMSHelper#showTitle method
- Swapped order of fadeIn and stayTime parameters within NMSHelper#showTitle (to be more consistent with Bukkit API)
- HolographicHologramSkin$PlayerSpecificLinesSupplier#getLines(...) now expects a List instead of a Collection
- DropType#getSpawnSound() now returns the new VarSound class instead of Bukkit's sound
- DropType#setSpawnSound(sound) now expects the new VarSound class instead of Bukkit's sound
- DamageableSkin #getDamageSound() and #getDeathSound() now return the new VarSound class instead of Bukkit's sound
- Fixed it not being possible to modify the page within ShopOpenEvent
Fixed bugs:
- Fixed some upgrades or traps not working (due to failing to find nearby entities async) (Thanks to @MetallicGoat )
- Fixed potential ConcurrentModificationException with BungeecordManager
- Fixed typo with CrashMessage_LowerCornerOutOfBounds
- Fixed potential error with missing hub pos and auto join
- Fixed MongoDB not working
- Fixed being able to interact with signs ingame even if it was disabled in config.yml (Thanks to @MetallicGoat )
- Fixed not starting on 1.17.1
- Fixed issues caused by Paper removing constructor on EntityDamageEvent (Thanks to @MetallicGoat )
- Fixed not receiving feedback when regenerating an arena while it had a match
- Fixed not being able to modify blocks at the edge of a region arena
- Fixed Guard Dogs sometimes target spectators (Thanks to @MetallicGoat )
- Fixed item attributes not being hidden as intended on 1.14+
- Fixed Setup GUI not updating (issue not disappearing) when setting lobby or updating game area
- Fixed "next page" item staying in configure page for voting arena, even though it's already the last page
- Fixed player colors staying when leaving the arena
- Fixed "Object not supported" error with newer ASWM versions
- Fixed UnknownWorldException with SWM
- Fixed problems related to lobby world existence verification
- Fixed "/bw arena spawner give" not returning the exact drops
- Fixed conflict with CarbonSpigot
- Fixed a few sounds not working as intended
- Fixed potential errors with wolves teleporting whose owner isn't a player
- Fixed auto cloning creating a new world for every region arena
- Fixed auto cloning sometimes not purging old world folders
- Fixed auto clone issue: Some region arenas are not getting generated properly if regeneration-region-efficient was enabled