[15% SALE] ⭕ Marcely's Bedwars ⭕ Supports 1.8 - 1.21.3 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐    EST. 2015 icon

[15% SALE] ⭕ Marcely's Bedwars ⭕ Supports 1.8 - 1.21.3 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ EST. 2015 -----


The colossal update | 5.2
I am extremely happy to announce that we are releasing the colossal 5.2 update!
As always, this update is completely free. We would greatly appreciate if you'd keep the thought of possibly showing us your admiration via a donation while you are preparing your coffee, as this will be a long one ;)

Added support for 1.19.4
While this a short one, it is likely something that most are looking for: We now natively support 1.19.4!

With this update, we also finally made the move of using the Mojang mappings, instead of the legacy Spigot ones. This basically means that we have to spend less time "finding" certain NMS features, with the effect of providing a slight performance to do improvements of certain integrations and reduces the chances of bugs to occur. Equal changes have been made to the 1.19.3 support, however, improvements likely aren't noticeable as it was already running perfectly fine.

The new installation wizard
This is a special one, that you likely have never seen with any other plugin. It is now possibly to easily set up the plugin by visiting a website!
This works by generating a unique and secure link for your server whenever you are installing the plugin for the first time. There are instructions that help you with each step to make the whole process as easy and quick as possible.
We are certain that the old conventional way was already pretty easy, however the reasons for the development of this feature were to present you with the most important configurations, as it can be overwhelming for newcomers.

It is now also possible to easily install a complete layout of the plugin! With this, you may now choose between the MBedwars Vanilla layout, which we had before by default, and one that is called "HyPixel". Before, you'd have to install the according zip, extract the files and install the required dependencies. The plugin is now taking over the whole process.
The ability of simply skipping the whole process (aka the conventional way) has been kept. You will be asked whether you want to use the setup wizard or not.

Performance improvements
The performance of the plugin was already perfect before this update. However, there were some parts of the plugin that we have found and improved.

One being better multi-threading. A thread, in a nutshell, is a process that runs certain algorithms in a specific orders. With multiple threads, you are basically able to have multiple things running concurrently, without one thread greatly affecting the others' performance. The server's tick logic has its own thread, and doing too many things in that one may have effects on the TPS, hence proper utilization of threads is key for a lagless experience.

MBedwars was already perfectly utilizing these abilities beforehand, however we improved certain algorithms so that it utilizes them now better by effectively needing less of them. We also found solutions for certain processes to not run on the server thread, which was kept earlier for stability reasons. This change basically means that you will experience less minor hiccups, especially when a match had ended.

Some algorithms have also been rewritten to be more efficient.

Moving from config.cm2 to config.yml
In the past, we had greatly made use of the .cm2 file format. The reason for this was that this file format has a certain syntax that is way more user-friendly and way less prone to accidental problems that potentially could have further consequences.

However, after people have been asking us, we have decided to move to the YAML format (.yml). Commonly because, as most are already used to it. We also used this opportunity to restructure certain internal parts of the plugin to firstly make the inclusion of further features more easy, and secondly include further warnings that should greatly enhance the user experience, as it is now easier to debug and fix certain problems for the user as the plugin will tell you exactly what you have been doing wrong.

The plugin will automatically convert the files. You don't have to worry about that at all.

Added MongoDB support
MongoDB is a NoSQL-DBMS that technically works completely different from the conventional SQL databases, like MySQL. I used to kept saying to people that our SQL implementation was already extremely efficient, as we went the path of implementing certain unique SQL features and algorithms that are not being used by other (Bedwars) plugins, hence MBedwars commonly outperforming them. However, people have been requesting it, and I am happy to tell you all that we finally support it as well :)

We still recommend to users to not use MongoDB if you have never worked with it, as it works greatly different from e.g. MySQL. Some time must be invested to just install the MongoDB software itself, as most hosting providers usually only provide MySQL or MariaDB. If you, however, want to use it anyway, you may simply make use of the new configurations in the config.yml file. Configuring is as easy as it is with SQL.

Some improvements were made to the code of the internal storage systems. These changes provide further stability, extensibility and also have the side effect that we restructured the configurations to be more understandable.

These changes also made it possible for us to implement a /bw tools migrate command for further storage types, such as MongoDB. What this means is that you may always switch from local, SQL or MongoDB back and forth without having to care about data-loss, as MBedwars is keeping care of that.

Improved the SetupGUI
The SetupGUI is a feature that makes it possibly for users to easily create, set up and modify arenas.
In the past, certain important features didn't exist, specifically ones that aren't directly related to arenas, such as being able to spawn villagers (dealers and upgrade dealers), to identify which arenas are at your current position and to be able to easily specific the WorldEdit corners directly within the GUI.
We replaced the old arena deletion place with misc tools. It is still possible to delete arenas, you just have go to the arenas list first. I'd guess that most have already been doing it that way and barely anyone actually used the arena deletion page.

The whole change log
Welp, these were just the most significant ones. There were also a bunch of minor changes, which you can find here:

Added support for:
  • 1.19.4
  • MongoDB
Added features:
  • SetupGUI spawn buttons (for spawning dealers, identifying an arena and setting corners) (Thanks to @MetallicGoat)
  • It is now possible to remove items from the HyPixel quick buy (Thanks to @MetallicGoat)
  • Add a message when a player is hit with a bow (Thanks to @MetallicGoat)
  • It is now possible to use PAPI placeholders in more messages
  • Sand no longer falls during regeneration for region arenas in 1.8.8 - 1.12.2
Added commands:
  • /bw tools openshop (Thanks to @MetallicGoat)
  • /bw tools openupgradeshop (Thanks to @MetallicGoat)
  • /bw tools migrate storage mongodb
Added placeholders:
  • %mbedwars_playerarena-authors%
  • %mbedwars_arena-<arena>-displayname%
  • %mbedwars_arena-<arena>-authors%
  • %mbedwars_playerarena-minplayers%
  • %mbedwars_arena-<arena>-minplayers%
Config changes:
  • Added:
    • Various "mongodb-*"
    • blocked-commands-mode (You may now whitelist instead of blacklist commands)
    • force-slot to the upgrade shop
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Moved to config.yml from config.cm2 (Thanks to @MetallicGoat)
    • Added "" configs
    • Replaced configs "sql-enabled" and "sql-type" with "storage-type" (in preperations for MongoDB support)
    • Added {team-initials} placeholder to customchatmessage-message config
    • Team selector GUI is now being sorted in the order of the teams that you configured
Miscellaneous changes:
  • Added {player} placeholder for commands run on lobby/spectator item use (Thanks to @MetallicGoat)
  • Traps now aren't being triggered any more after the team eliminated (Thanks to @MetallicGoat)
  • Now closing the GUIs of all players when the round ends
  • Updated XSeries to 9.3.1
  • Moved 1.19R2 to Mojang mappings
  • No items will be dropped anymore during regeneration
  • Revamped spectator kick algorithm
  • Improved arena saving and loading process
  • Improved performance
API changes:
  • Additions:
    • MigrationProcess.Origin#MONGO_DB
    • MigrationProcess.Origin#isStorage()
    • AddPlayerCause#END_LOBBY
    • KickSpectatorReason#END_LOBBY
    • Arena#getUpgradeState(Team)
    • Arena#saveAsync()
    • Arena#saveNow()
    • RoundEndEvent#getQuitWinners()
    • RoundEndEvent#getLosers()
    • RoundEndEvent#getQuitLosers()
    • Helper#getPlayerSkinData(Player)
    • NMSHelper#getEntityDamageSound(Entity)
    • NMSHelper#getEntityDeathSound(Entity)
    • NMSHelper#getSoundByMinecraftName(Entity)
    • NMSHelper#getEntityWidth(Entity)
    • NMSHelper#getEntityHeight(Entity)
    • RemoteArena#getDisplayedAuthors()
    • RemoteArena#getDisplayedAuthors(@Nullable CommandSender sender)
    • Helper#getBukkitChatColorFromBungee(ChatColor)
    • SpawnerDropEvent#getDroppingMaterials()
    • SpawnerDropEvent#setDroppingMaterials(ItemStack[])
    • Spawner#drop(boolean, ItemStack[])
    • Spawner#getNearbyItemsCount()
    • Spawner#setMaxNearbyItems(int)
    • GameAPI#getUpgrades()
    • Upgrade#getMaxLevel()
    • #isClone(), #getOriginal(), #clone() to BuyGroup, ShopItem and ShopPage
    • ShopItem#setName(String)
    • ShopItem#addPriceItem(ItemStack, int)
    • ShopItem#addPriceSpawner(DropType, int)
    • ShopItem#addProductCommand(String, boolean)
    • ShopItem#addProductItem(ItemStack, int)
    • ShopItem#addProductSpawner(DropType, int)
    • ShopItem#addProductSpecialItem(SpecialItem, int)
    • ShopItem#getRestriction()
    • ShopItem#setRestriction(ArenaConditionGroup)
    • ShopPage#addItem(String, ItemStack)
    • ShopPage#removeConnectedItems(ShopItem)
    • Deprecated PlayerOpenShopEvent#getPage()
    • Added PlayerShopEvent#getClonedPage()
  • Fixed:
    • Error when using GUI#closeAll()
    • Not being able to add null entries to PlayerProperties#setShopHypixelV2QuickBuyItems
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Team class: Deprecated Spigot ChatColor's and replaced them with new Bungee ChatColor methods
    • Deprecated Arena#getQueuedUpgradeTraps(Team) -> moved to UpgradeState class
    • Deprecated Arena#addQueuedUpgradeTrap(Team, UpgradeLevel, boolean) -> moved to UpgradeState class
    • Arena#save() -> replaced with new methods
    • Deprecated ShopOpenCause#DEBUG
    • Deprecated UpgradeShopOpenCause#DEBUG
    • BuyGroup, ShopItem and ShopPage now extend Cloneable
Fixed bugs:
  • Upgrade shop cannot be opened outside a match (Thanks to @MetallicGoat)
  • Fix NPE if no arenas are setup and the shop is opened (through command or API) (Thanks to @MetallicGoat)
  • Fixed upgrade shop wouldn't open outside a match (through command or API) (Thanks to @MetallicGoat)
  • Fixed final kills not being tracked (Thanks to @MetallicGoat)
  • PlayerUpgradeTriggerEvent is not being called (in some cases) and PlayerBuyUpgradeEvent is called twice (Thanks to @MetallicGoat)
  • Fixed game-breaking bug that allowed to spectate while being ingame
  • Fixed error https://cdn.emilinadaniel27.dev/files/1672144495314.png
  • Fixed error https://pastebin.com/HZJXC90p
  • Fixed various bugs related to buygroup downgrading, keep-on-death and one-time-purchase
  • Fixed bug with: customchatmessage-message config. Players could use various placeholder when {message} placeholder was used
  • Fixed quit player memories would get removed when the player got eliminated but the game hasn't finished + further bugs that came with that
  • Fixed arena weather and time not resetting back when the arena hasn't had a match yet and either always-day and no-rain were active
  • Fixed that playing players that died and thus became spectators wouldn't get readded as players during end lobby
  • Fixed the player amount in the "player join the arena" message would be incorrect if multiple players joined at a very short period of time
  • Fixed rare case where the death respawn screen wouldn't disappear (advanced method must be disabled)
  • Fixed that NPC could have been seen on the tab on 1.19.3
  • Fixed candles are not dyed to the team's color (Thanks to @MetallicGoat)
  • Fixed missing action bar for rejoining players
  • Fixed NPCs not showing all skin parts on 1.19.3 - 1.19
----------, Mar 25, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,729
First Release: Oct 23, 2015
Last Update: Nov 19, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
234 ratings
Find more info at mbedwars.com...
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