Added Kill-Streak and Top-Kill-Streak stats (Thanks to @MetallicGoat)
Config changes:
Migrated shop from CM2 to YAML (Thanks to @MetallicGoat)
Migrated the lobby.cm2 file to lobby-hotbar.yml (Thanks to @MetallicGoat)
Added new config issue warnings to the shop config file for better QoL (Thanks to @MetallicGoat)
Improved performance by teleporting players async (if supported by your spigot; 1.14+ and paper required)
Added Stacked buygroups (a replacement to Tweaks' one-slot-tools feature) to the shop.yml config file (Thanks to @MetallicGoat)
Updated GSON to 2.10
Made spectators automatically leave the "player spectating mode" when they leave the arena border (because the watched player is e.g. falling into the void)
Chunks now get loaded before they are being teleported (hotfix for a Spigot bug that causes player to be stuck within blocks)
Now also showing game stats in "/bw tools playerdata info"
API additions:
PlayerStats#set(String key, Number value, boolean dispatchAPIEvent, boolean cacheOnly)
PlayerStats#add(String key, Number addAmount, boolean dispatchAPIEvent, boolean cacheOnly)