[15% SALE] ⭕ Marcely's Bedwars ⭕ Supports 1.8 - 1.21.4 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐    EST. 2015 icon

[15% SALE] ⭕ Marcely's Bedwars ⭕ Supports 1.8 - 1.21.4 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ EST. 2015 -----




Wow, what a year. And what an incredible moment to write this announcement. I started this update with the belief of "only" reworking a bit the API and release it as an 4.1 update - what a turnaround! I'm incredibly thankful to anyone who has spent his time in bringing the project forward. The most notable ones being @MetallicGoat, who helped me a lot with the API with himself creating quite a few free add-ons for the public. Furthermore, he and others (including @ItsPat) helped me in motivating me occasionally to continue my work in times in which I didn't find the motivation. @maroon helping me out with inter alia keeping my Discord clear and keeping everyone happy. @Didacus_12, @Nix (generally the staff of GhostCraft), the staff behind Librecraft, and so many more helping me in getting everything into the right direction. I, or we, generally believe that you're going to love this plugin and are interested to see what the future brings. Cheers!

General Notice
This update has changed a lot. Like a lot a lot. This includes:
As you can imagine, it's possible that things might not work as they did before updating it. You don't have to reset everything, don't worry. We have spent a good amount of time in creating migration systems for everything, so it's even possible that you don't even have to do anything. But keep in mind that it's not possible to go back to v4 after upgrading to v5. You likely want to create a backup before moving over, in case something wrong. It's also possible that the new file formats are not as stable, even tho they have been tested a lot. So you possibly want to regularly create a backup. And please please report us bugs that you find in our Discord.

Change Log
API changes
Some of you might not know what an API is, but this is actually a huge deal for everyone. An API is basically a way for developers to interact with the internals of the plugin. By this they're for instance able to create new special items, add-ons and do more funky stuff. With the
abandonment of the previous API, it was time for something new. And oh boy, there's something new. The new API had one rule: Allow the most accessibility and customizability possible. And I for safe can say, that this is the greatest API for a Bedwars plugin the world has ever seen.

If you're a developer, then you might find the following links useful:
JavaDocs: https://javadocs.mbedwars.com/
Instructions on working with it: https://wiki.mbedwars.com/en/Development/Getting-Started

If you're a consumer, then you likely will find this useful:
A place where you can find all existing extensions: https://mbedwars.com/shop/

A new website, wiki and product page
While the old wiki ( https://mbedwars.marcely.de) is likely very handy, it unfortunately aged badly. It looks awful and wasn't really handy to follow. The new one shall fix that: https://wiki.mbedwars.com/
We've spent lots of time in creating easy-to-understand articles for everyone. While it's not full done yet and not everything has been moved over, we're still working on it and are trying to add as much info as possible.
Furthermore, I'm happy to announce our new official website: https://mbedwars.com
It's for your first place for anything related to this plugin. You can find info on how to contact us, find all existing™ add-ons, templates and general extensions. Additionally, you're finally able to purchase the product with other methods other than just PayPal. You may use KLARNA Sofort, GiroPay, Apple Pay, PaySafe and even Cryptocurrency.

Improved stability and QoL
The plugin was already perfect regarding those things, but we took it another step further. People asked for YAML instead of CM2, there we go. We added it for quite a few files. While at it, we improved the general understanding and the feature set of some of them.
Did you notice lag while running this plugin? Neither did we! But now you'll be feeling less. We've spent lots of time in rewriting quite a few internal algorithms with the goal of improving their efficiency and stability. This includes the GUI system, the commands, Messages, Schedulers and much more.
The regeneration/preperation system of arenas has also received lots of love. While it's even quicker now, we additionally added optional support for SlimeWorldManager as some of you were asking for that. Instead of printing an error, the plugin is just going to automatically adapt itself on that!

New Setup GUI
Do you remember the old way of creating an arena via a GUI aka "ArenasGUI"? That's gone now with something new called "Setup GUI". It not only goes in hand with the new API update (devs are able to extend it), it now allows you to do way more things than you were before. With lots of descriptive text it should now be super easy for beginners to get into this plugin.

Arenas GUIs
Waait... I thought ArenasGUI is gone? Well, not exactly. There were two "ArenasGUI" system in the v4 version. One accessed via "/bw arenasgui" and the other one via "/bw arena gui". Yes, confused. We know. That's why we replaced "/bw arenasgui" with "/bw setupgui" and additionally updated "/bw arenas gui".
Arenas GUIs are basically module and customizable guis you use for displaying all arenas you can join in. People are now able to create their now layouts. They're located inside "/MBedwars/arenasgui-layouts" and you can simply copy&paste an existing one and change whatever you want. By default, the plugins comes with four layouts.

This slowly gets exhausting to write, lol.
More changes include:
  • It's now possible to spawn player heads for rankings (similar to stats rankings)
  • Revamped command system with being more logical to use
  • A new migration system to move from other plugins or systems (currently only Bedwars1058, more is planned)
  • Lots of config changes
  • Lots of further changes to the plugin

Are you interested to see what exactly has changed in the last versions?
Beta 7 - release: https://pastebin.com/q7sMeMBY
Beta 7: https://pastebin.com/TNPARzUs
Beta 6: https://pastebin.com/yEiuqKzT
Beta 5: https://pastebin.com/3EirV5FC
Beta 4: https://pastebin.com/aUvcQnei
Beta 3: Pastebin not available anymore, but was as equal as large. Changes include: Initial addition of arenas GUIs, the finalization of the new setup GUI, support for Java 12+, permission changes, performance & stability improvements, more additions to the API, support for Add-ons and more.
Beta 2: https://pastebin.com/qGfkT2fX
Beta 1: https://pastebin.com/sDPMbTdh
----------, Oct 13, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,749
First Release: Oct 23, 2015
Last Update: Mar 4, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
235 ratings
Find more info at mbedwars.com...
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