SuperVanish >> Be invisible icon

SuperVanish >> Be invisible -----

Advanced /vanish plugin which makes other players think that you're not on the server

[6.2.13] 1.19.3 update
  • Updated to 1.19.3. Please use the latest ProtocolLib dev build. Additionally, please make sure you are using the latest PaperSpigot build if you are already using PaperSpigot. One of the recent PaperSpigot updates fixed players in vanish who send a chat message kicking other players.
  • The features ModifyTablistPackets and MarkVanishedPlayersAsSpectators are disabled on 1.19+ because the PlayerInfo packets are currently too unreliable to modify without severe drawbacks such as lag or instability
  • Instead, there are now two new PlaceholderAPI placeholders that you can use instead: %supervanish_vanishprefix% and %supervanish_vanishsuffix%.
    • Since these days most servers have a Tablist and Nametag plugin with PlaceholderAPI support, it is better to configure custom prefixes/suffixes for vanished players through those plugins than have SuperVanish add them. These new placeholders are either empty if the player is not vanished, or return a prefix like "[V] " if the player is vanished. The prefix can be configured in the messages.yml file (see default messages.yml file in resource description).
----------, Jan 19, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 893,817
First Release: Oct 3, 2014
Last Update: Aug 3, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
218 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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