This Plugin allows you to change specific in-game messages such as Join and Quit, Allows you to set an MOTD (Message of the day).
By default, the plugin displays a message to both the joining player AND to everyone on the server.
*You can change these settings in the config.yml*
You can enable or disable any and all messages with this plugin.
Version 1.0:
- Join Message
- Quit Message
- Players online
I am working on:
- More commands to change certain messages in game
- Death Messages
- Allowing the change of command to use /players
Current Commands:
/players (will send a message to sender of how many players online)
/motd (shows the current MOTD)
/motdset (sets the MOTD - Must have permissions or OP to use)
****This is my first plugin, I will accept all feedback. PLEASE allow me to fix any bugs or issues before immediately rating negatively****
#Use %player% to display player's name
# *-----------------------------------------* #
# * MESSAGES * #
# *-----------------------------------------* #
# Player Join Message - Sends to Joining Player ONLY
message: 'Welcome back %player%'
enabled: true
#Server Join Message - Sends to everyone on the server
message: '&c%player% just joined the server. | Be nice to %player%!'
enabled: true
#Server Leave Message - Sends to everyone on the server
message: '&b%player% has left the server. Lets hope they come back!'
enabled: true
enabled: true
message: 'This is the Message of the Day. Change this in the config.yml file.'
#Number of players
show-online-players: true
# *-----------------------------------------* #
# *-----------------------------------------* #
no-permission: 'You do not have permissions'
enabled: false