WorldsGUI is a Minecraft plugin that adds a custom inventory with a world selector, allowing you to easily teleport between worlds. The world selector displays important information about each world directly in the inventory and lets you teleport to the world by simply clicking on it.
Additionally, you can
whitelist or
blacklist worlds, using it as a navigator for easier world management.
World Selector: Choose and teleport to worlds with just one click.
Whitelist/Blacklist: Control which worlds are accessible.
PlaceholderAPI Support: Integrate more world information using placeholders.
Full Customization: Customize the inventory layout, including custom textures.
Fully Customizable Messages: All plugin messages are fully customizable.
Easy to Use: Intuitive interface for world selection and navigation.
Important! If new worlds are created, you need to reload the plugin (by typing
/worldsguireload or restarting the server) for the new worlds to be registered. Otherwise, the new worlds will not show up in the selector.
Code (YAML):
# Plugin Configuration # Thank you for downloading!
# Important messages: # If you add new worlds to the server, you have to use /worldsguireload # so the plugin can detect the new worlds.
# If you want to set where the plugin teleports you when clicking on a world, # simply use the default /setworldspawn command or multiverse core with the /mv setspawn command.
# Define how the plugin should handle world access by setting the type: # - Use "blacklist" to block the specified worlds. # - Use "whitelist" to allow only the specified worlds. # - Use "null" (or any other word) to disable this feature. type: null
# List of worlds: # - If "whitelist" is selected, only these worlds will be accessible. # - If "blacklist" is selected, these worlds will be blocked. # - If disabled (type is "null"), this list will be ignored. worlds: - world_nether
- world_end
- custom_world
# Have fun!
Code (YAML):
# Inventory Configuration # Thank you for downloading! Configure your inventory settings here.
# Set the number of slots for the inventory. # Slots must be in multiples of 9. # Minimum: 9 slots | Maximum: 54 slots slots: 45
# Inventory title. # Only used when "inventorytexture" is set to false. # You can use color codes like "&a" for green. # Placeholders: # {page} = current page number inventoryname: "&7Worlds GUI &8| &7Page &e{page}"
# Enable or disable custom inventory textures. # This feature allows you to use inventories with custom textures. # If you're unsure how this works, check out this tutorial: # inventorytexture: false
# Custom textures for pages when "inventorytexture" is set to true. # Define unique textures for different page types: custominventory_page_singlePage: "\uF001"# Single-page inventory (no next or back buttons). custominventory_page_firstPage: "\uF002"# First page (with a "next" button). custominventory_page_lastPage: "\uF003"# Last page (with a "back" button). custominventory_page_generellPage: "\uF004"# General pages (with both "back" and "next" buttons).
# Define which inventory slots will be used for world buttons. worldslots: - 20
- 21
- 22
- 23
- 24
# Items configuration # All items support PlaceholderAPI if it is installed on your server! items:
overworld_material: "GRASS_BLOCK"# Overworld world type nether_material: "NETHERRACK"# Nether world type end_material: "END_STONE"# End world type custom_material: "COMMAND_BLOCK"# Custom world type dimension_overworld: "&aOverworld"# Overworld dimension text dimension_nether: "&cNether"# Nether dimension text dimension_end: "&eEnd"# End dimension text dimension_custom: "&bCustom"# Custom dimension text display-name: "&e{world_name} World" lore: -
"&7Information:" - "&7Generator: &e{generator}" - "&7Difficulty: &e{difficulty}" - "&7Player Count: &e{player_count}" - "&7Type: &e{world_type}" - "&7Seed: &e{seed}" - "&7Hardcore: &e{hardcore}" - "&7Time: &e{world_time}" - "&7Spawn Location: &e{spawn_location}" customModelData: 1001
material: "ARROW" display-name: "&eNext Page" lore: -
"&7Click to go to the next page." slot: 41
# This will override any existing item in the slot. customModelData: 1002
# For custom textures back_button:
material: "ARROW" display-name: "&ePrevious Page" lore: -
"&7Click to go back." slot: 39
# This will override any existing item in the slot. customModelData: 1003
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" display-name: " " 1:
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" display-name: " " 2:
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" display-name: " " 3:
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" display-name: " " 4:
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" display-name: " " 5:
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" display-name: " " 6:
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" display-name: " " 7:
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" display-name: " " 8:
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" display-name: " " 9:
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" display-name: " " 17:
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" display-name: " " 18:
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" display-name: " " 26:
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" display-name: " " 27:
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" display-name: " " 35:
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" display-name: " " 36:
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" display-name: " " 37:
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" display-name: " " 38:
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" display-name: " " 39:
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE"# These buttons will override any existing item. display-name: " " 40:
material: "BOOK" display-name: "&7Page &e{page}" lore: -
"&7You are on page {page}." 41:
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE"# These buttons will override any existing item. display-name: " " 42:
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" display-name: " " 43:
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" display-name: " " 44:
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" display-name: " "
# Have fun!
Code (YAML):
# Messages Configuration
# Here you can define all messages for the plugin. prefix: "&eWorldGUI &8%->% &7" nopermission: "%prefix%&cYou do not have permission to do this." worldNotFound: "%prefix%&cThe world was not found." onlyplayer: "%prefix%&cOnly players can use this command." reloadedsuccessfully: "%prefix%&aThe plugin was successfully reloaded!" teleportedSuccessfully: "%prefix%&aYou have been teleported successfully!"
# World generator like "PlotSquared" or others. # Define the message when no generator is found or doesn't exist. generatorifnull: "No generator found."
# Have fun!
Have fun!
Bug Reports: If you encounter any bugs, feel free to report them. I'd really appreciate it if you could leave a detailed bug report to help improve the plugin!