Important! If new worlds are created, you need to reload the plugin (by typing
/worldsguireload or restarting the server) for the new worlds to be registered. Otherwise, the new worlds will not show up in the selector.
Code (YAML):
# Plugin Configuration # Thank you for downloading!
# Important messages: # If you add new worlds to the server, you have to use /worldsguireload # so the plugin can detect the new worlds.
# If you want to set where the plugin teleports you when clicking on a world, # simply use the default /setworldspawn command or multiverse core with the /mv setspawn command.
# Define how the plugin should handle world access by setting the type: # - Use "blacklist" to block the specified worlds. # - Use "whitelist" to allow only the specified worlds. # - Use "null" (or any other word) to disable this feature. type: null
# List of worlds: # - If "whitelist" is selected, only these worlds will be accessible. # - If "blacklist" is selected, these worlds will be blocked. # - If disabled (type is "null"), this list will be ignored. worlds: - world_nether
- world_end
- custom_world
# Have fun!
Code (YAML):
# Inventory Configuration # Thank you for downloading! Configure your inventory settings here.
# Set the number of slots for the inventory. # Slots must be in multiples of 9. # Minimum: 9 slots | Maximum: 54 slots slots: 45
# Inventory title. # Only used when "inventorytexture" is set to false. # You can use color codes like "&a" for green. # Placeholders: # {page} = current page number inventoryname: "&7Worlds GUI &8| &7Page &e{page}"
# Enable or disable custom inventory textures. # This feature allows you to use inventories with custom textures. # If you're unsure how this works, check out this tutorial: # inventorytexture: false
# Custom textures for pages when "inventorytexture" is set to true. # Define unique textures for different page types: custominventory_page_singlePage: "\uF001"# Single-page inventory (no next or back buttons). custominventory_page_firstPage: "\uF002"# First page (with a "next" button). custominventory_page_lastPage: "\uF003"# Last page (with a "back" button). custominventory_page_generellPage: "\uF004"# General pages (with both "back" and "next" buttons).
# Define which inventory slots will be used for world buttons. worldslots: - 20
- 21
- 22
- 23
- 24
# Items configuration # All items support PlaceholderAPI if it is installed on your server! items:
overworld_material: "GRASS_BLOCK"# Overworld world type nether_material: "NETHERRACK"# Nether world type end_material: "END_STONE"# End world type custom_material: "COMMAND_BLOCK"# Custom world type dimension_overworld: "&aOverworld"# Overworld dimension text dimension_nether: "&cNether"# Nether dimension text dimension_end: "&eEnd"# End dimension text dimension_custom: "&bCustom"# Custom dimension text display-name: "&e{world_name} World" lore: -
"&7Information:" - "&7Generator: &e{generator}" - "&7Difficulty: &e{difficulty}" - "&7Player Count: &e{player_count}" - "&7Type: &e{world_type}" - "&7Seed: &e{seed}" - "&7Hardcore: &e{hardcore}" - "&7Time: &e{world_time}" - "&7Spawn Location: &e{spawn_location}" customModelData: 1001
material: "ARROW" display-name: "&eNext Page" lore: -
"&7Click to go to the next page." slot: 41
# This will override any existing item in the slot. customModelData: 1002
# For custom textures back_button:
material: "ARROW" display-name: "&ePrevious Page" lore: -
"&7Click to go back." slot: 39
# This will override any existing item in the slot. customModelData: 1003
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" display-name: " " 1:
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" display-name: " " 2:
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" display-name: " " 3:
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" display-name: " " 4:
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" display-name: " " 5:
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" display-name: " " 6:
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" display-name: " " 7:
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" display-name: " " 8:
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" display-name: " " 9:
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" display-name: " " 17:
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" display-name: " " 18:
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" display-name: " " 26:
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" display-name: " " 27:
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" display-name: " " 35:
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" display-name: " " 36:
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" display-name: " " 37:
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" display-name: " " 38:
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" display-name: " " 39:
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE"# These buttons will override any existing item. display-name: " " 40:
material: "BOOK" display-name: "&7Page &e{page}" lore: -
"&7You are on page {page}." 41:
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE"# These buttons will override any existing item. display-name: " " 42:
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" display-name: " " 43:
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" display-name: " " 44:
material: "GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" display-name: " "
# Have fun!
Code (Text):
# Messages Configuration
# Here you can define all messages for the plugin.
prefix: "&eWorldGUI &8%->% &7"
nopermission: "%prefix%&cYou do not have permission to do this."
worldNotFound: "%prefix%&cThe world was not found."
onlyplayer: "%prefix%&cOnly players can use this command."
reloadedsuccessfully: "%prefix%&aThe plugin was successfully reloaded!"
teleportedSuccessfully: "%prefix%&aYou have been teleported successfully!"
# World generator like "PlotSquared" or others.
# Define the message when no generator is found or doesn't exist.
generatorifnull: "No generator found."