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Prison -----

Makes creating a Prison server even easier!

v3.2.9 - Prison Update - Enhancements to blockEvents, placeholders, support, and events
* Prison now has new commands to help provide better support and can be found under: /prison support These commands will be expanded to help make it a lot easier to get help on many issues that could be configuration based. Prison is now able to help sent some information to These tools also cleans up a lot junk in the log messages so they are easier to read.

* Added a new utility feature to prison: block decays. This allows blocks to change types when they are mined. Two defaults are an obby decay and rainbow decay. Plus there is a blocks tool that will allow a custom list of blocks, as many, or as few, as you like.

* Added 18 new placeholders that are focused on all ranks that are on the server. Now if you use a rank name with these placeholders, you can access almost all rank information that is available, including how many players are at a specific rank, or a list of mines that are linked to a rank.

* Rewrote how event listeners are setup in Prison to optimize them. Created tools to inspect them to help with troubleshooting. Made significant improvements.
`/prison debug blockBreakListeners`

* Enhanced Prison's delayed start to better integrate with CMI's Economy without sacrificing prison's advanced startup validation of existing ranks.

* Added many new placeholders for the use within the prison commands ladders, ranks, mines, and blockEvents. Each type of these commands now has custom listings of all placeholders that will work in those areas. This large expansive set of placeholders should be able to provide the greatest amount of flexibility in customizing your servers. Use the following commands to review the latest listings:

Code (Text):
/ranks ladder command add placeholders
{player} {player_uid} {msg} {broadcast} {inline} {inlinePlayer} {sync} {syncPlayer} {firstJoin} {balanceInitial} {balanceFinal} {currency} {rankupCost} {ladder} {rank} {rankTag} {targetRank} {targetRankTag}

/ranks command add placeholders
{player} {player_uid} {msg} {broadcast} {inline} {inlinePlayer} {sync} {syncPlayer} {firstJoin} {balanceInitial} {balanceFinal} {currency} {rankupCost} {ladder} {rank} {rankTag} {targetRank} {targetRankTag}

/mines command add placeholders
{player} {player_uid} {msg} {broadcast} {inline} {inlinePlayer} {sync} {syncPlayer}

/mines blockEvent add placeholders
{player} {player_uid} {msg} {broadcast} {inline} {inlinePlayer} {sync} {syncPlayer} {blockName} {mineName} {locationWorld} {locationX} {locationY} {locationZ} {coordinates} {worldCoordinates} {blockCoordinates} {blockChance} {blockIsAir} {blocksPlaced} {blockRemaining} {blocksMinedTotal} {mineBlocksRemaining} {mineBlocksRemainingPercent} {mineBlocksTotalMined} {mineBlocksSize} {blockMinedName} {blockMinedNameFormal} {blockMinedBlockType} {eventType} {eventTriggered} {utilsDecay}

* Upgraded the behavior of all command tools within prison to use row numbers when workig with commands, instead of having to reenter all of the commands.

* Added block filtering to BlockEvents so events can now be filtered by blocks now.

* /ranks autoConfigure has been enhanced to provide more functionality when forcing auto configure to run. This will now try to fully incorporate preexisting ranks and mines as much as possible. Preexisting mine liners will not be replaced, but block listings for the mines will be replaced with the defaults.

* When starting up prison when no mines and no ranks exist, prison will now print a few messages to the console to help direct new admins on how to configure prison.

* GUIs are being rewritten to improve performance and improve the behavior.

* SELLALL has had some significant performance improvements.
----------, Jul 4, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 206,533
First Release: Sep 22, 2014
Last Update: May 22, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
147 ratings
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