JailPlugin icon

JailPlugin -----

Minecraft plugin for customizable player jailing.

This plugin adds a jail system to your Minecraft server with various features:

  1. Setting the Jail Location:
    • Command: /setjail
      Allows setting the jail's location.
    • The coordinates are stored in config.yml, and players are teleported to this location when jailed.
  2. Jailing a Player:
    • Command: /jail <player> [time][unit]
      Jails a player for a specified duration. Time can be given in seconds (s), minutes (m), or hours (h).
      If no time is provided, the jail is permanent.
    • The jailed player has their interactions restricted (e.g., breaking blocks, attacking, accessing inventory, etc.).
  3. Releasing a Player:
    • Command: /unjail <player>
      Releases a player from jail and teleports them to the server spawn.
  4. Automatic Distance Check:
    • Players who move beyond the allowed distance from the jail (configurable in config.yml) are automatically teleported back to the jail.
  5. Configurable via config.yml:
    • All messages can be customized in config.yml.
    • Maximum allowed distance from the jail can also be set (jail.max_distance)
    • Code (YAML):
      : "world"
      : 0.0
      : 64.0
      : 0.0
      : 10.0
  6. Reloading Configuration:
    • Command: /jailreload
      Reloads the configuration from config.yml without restarting the server.
Configuration (config.yml):
  • world, x, y, z: The world and coordinates of the jail.
  • max_distance: Maximum allowed distance (in blocks) players can move away from the jail.
  • Messages:
    • All plugin messages (e.g., jail notifications, release messages, distance alerts) are customizable under the messages section.
  1. jailplugin.setjail: Allows the use of /setjail.
  2. jailplugin.jail: Allows the use of /jail.
  3. jailplugin.unjail: Allows the use of /unjail.
  4. jailplugin.reload: Allows the use of /jailreload.
Technical Details:
  • Supported Versions: Compatible with the latest Minecraft server versions.
  • Author: Developed by Mesiacik.
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Applied and tested on live server: majnuj.com
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 130
First Release: Jan 4, 2025
Last Update: Jan 6, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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