NoWindCharge is a Minecraft plugin designed to restrict the usage and effects of the Wind Charge item in your server. Whether you're looking to
disable it entirely or prevent its usage
in specific regions, the plugin provides you the tools to maintain a balanced gameplay experience.
Complete Disable Option: Option to completely disable Wind Charge usage and explosions server-wide.
Region-Based Restrictions: Prevent players from using Wind Charge or triggering its explosions in specific
WorldGuard regions.
Custom Messages: Fully configurable messages to notify players when their action is blocked.
Bypass Permissions: Allow admins or specific players to bypass restrictions.
Reload Command: Easily reload the plugin's configuration without restarting the server.
How It Works
Complete Disable Mode: When enabled, all Wind Charge usage and explosions are blocked globally.
Region Restrictions: If complete disable mode is off, restrictions apply only within WorldGuard regions listed in the configuration.
/nowindcharge reload - Reloads the plugin configuration.
nowindcharge.bypass - Allows players to bypass Wind Charge restrictions.
nowindcharge.reload - Allows admins to reload the plugin configuration.
- disable-completely: false
- excluded-regions:
- - spawn
- - arena
- deny-message: "&cYou cannot use Wind Charge in region &e%region%&c!"
- completely-disabled-message: "&cWind Charge usage is completely disabled on this server!"
- reload-message: "&aConfiguration reloaded successfully!"
- no-permission-message: "&cYou don't have permission to use this command!"
- startup-message: "&aNoWindCharge has been enabled!"
- shutdown-message: "&cNoWindCharge has been disabled!"