Permissions tailslib.cblock.cblockplaced renamed to tailslib.cblock.manage. (I don't think somebody cares about this change but still gonna write it here)
Main config was updated! Make sure your config is up to date.
Locales moved to Locales folder.
Config update. Compability provided but higly recommend to regenerate config.
Breaking changes
AppliedEffectData now contain UUID instead of Player. Compability is provided but now player can just not be on the server.
ICustomItemProperty#itemCreated method now working.
/customeffects check (PLAYER) now work normally.
Debug class now gonna print when message is also forwarded to player.
Debug class now also provide stack trace info (
Debug now support format. Change format in TailsLib config.
YAMLManager now returns null if can't find path.
Phrase#setPath is now deprecated. Use Phrase#Phrase(String pluginName, String filePath) instead.
Updated javadoc for some methods in CustomItem
Updated localization. (Not to much, you can ignore this change if you want.)
Added validate function for CustomBlocks. Validate fails when block on location is air or not matching original material. It also removes every ArmorStand in 1 block radius when deleted.
Custom blocks is now dropping item naturally instead of giving it to player.
First load system. Now its gonna call the load after ServerLoadEvent event.
citemblocklist command for blocking items in-game.
CustomItemManager now have overload methods for blockItem and unblockItem.