Advanced Spawn, Discord, and join message Skript icon

Advanced Spawn, Discord, and join message Skript -----

Good Looking Advanced Spawn Discord and Join message Skript

This Skript has multiple commands, Such as a really good /spawn (teleports the player who execute the command to spawn after 5 seconds with nice looking titles, subtitles, sounds and cancels if you move during the countdown), /forcespawn [<player>] (teleports the specified player to spawn), /spawnall (admin command: teleports all players online to spawn), and /discord (sends a configurable discord invite link in the chat) and a customized join message!
most of the things in the Skript are configurable in the options at the top of the Skript with helpful guides that tell you what options do what!
Personally this is one of my first Scripts I'm proud of enough to upload to spigot if you find any bugs with the Skript please DM me in discord @mazerinemc and I will fix it.
btw if you want a death messages skript this is unrelated but I recommend this one I've used it a lot in my servers:
Please support me through cashapp for this completely free skript and I might make more Scripts like this one and even better maybe even based off requests
cashapp: $mazerinemc
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 118
First Release: Nov 24, 2024
Last Update: Nov 25, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
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Downloads: ------
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