New Minigame Added, Capture. - In this minigame the objective is to capture all the enemies to your base. There will be 2 teams. You can also save your allies that were captured and bring them back to your base so they can get back to the game.
Now you can use custom songs (requires noteblockapi) - If you have noteblockapi installed, you can play custom nbs sounds during the events. You just have to enable the "is-music-custom" in your gamefile and set the correct name of your song that is inside the music directory (read the wiki for more detail).
Other improvements: - Now both paintball and capture will display the player names in their respective team colors.
Also some bug fixes: - Fixed a bug in skywars that wasn't removing the scoreoard from the players eliminated.
- Fixed a bug where if duo-mode was enabled in speedbuilders, but the minimum players required wasn't reached, the console would print some errors.