Sheets Plugin - Update 1.0.7: PlaceholderAPI Support & Improvements
Release Date: December 26, 2024
What's New?
1. PlaceholderAPI Expansion
- Added support for PlaceholderAPI with new placeholders:
- Global Variables:
%sheets_variable_<key>% - Get the value of a global variable.
- Formatted Placeholders:
%sheets_format_<value>% - Dynamically format placeholders.
- Requirement Checks:
%sheets_requirement_<requirement>% - Check if a requirement is met.
- Menu Count:
%sheets_total% - Show the total number of menus.
2. Improved Requirement Handling
- Easily check if players meet specific requirements using placeholders.
3. Better Menu Management
- %sheets_total% now shows the total number of menus dynamically.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed placeholder crashes with invalid keys.
- Ensured placeholders persist after plugin reloads.
- %sheets_variable_example%: Returns the value of the variable example.
- %sheets_requirement_balance_100%: Returns true if the player meets a balance of 100.
- %sheets_total%: Shows the total number of menus (e.g., 5).
This update makes Sheets more flexible and powerful with dynamic placeholders. Try it out and let us know your thoughts!