The second release of my linker plugin, Might contain bugs and other weird things. I hopefully fixed most of them.
If you encounter an error or other unusual behavior, please comment down below or dm me on discord! (sophieisherern)
When you run the plugin for the first time, you **WILL** get an error. It's safe to ignore it. It just means that you haven't added a token yet, and the bot couldnt load.
When you disable the bot you also might get an error, which is also safe to ignore.
**Make sure your discord bot has the message intent enabled.**
This plugin was made because i couldnt get DiscordRSV working on my 1.20.6 server, So it basicly mimics the core of it. It misses alot of important features! I know that!
/link (in-game, will return a code )
/link code (discord, will link the account)
/linker reload (reloads the config, all messages and restarts the discord bot.)
- Support for 1.18.2+
- Added messages.yml file - Configurable messages (Support for color code)
- Fixed a bug where reloading forced you to restart your server, because the bot wouldnt restart with the right token.
- Added BStats.