- Now the holograms have a built-in %player% placeholder, which gives out the name of the player who received the gift.
- Now placeholders work in holograms, and you can also work with others through the built-in placeholder, as an example: %other_gamemode_%player%%
- Plug-in placeholders could crash after use /papi reload
- The height in the locale of each hologram now works.
- For the hologram, fill in %time%, which counts down the time until the loss of the gift.
- The reloading of placeholders has been fixed.
- The code has been optimized.
- Not detected.
Thanks to the user with for detecting problems.
This is the last update this year, unless they send me ideas or information about new bugs (or problems in the code).
ChristmasGifts is for everyone!
Good Luck and Happy New Year!