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VeinMiner -----

Minecraft Forge's VeinMiner recreated for Spigot servers.

1.9 Support / Algorithm Rewrite / Efficiency Changes
* Compiled for Minecraft 1.9.x support (1.8.x no longer supported. Sorry)
* BIGGEST CHANGE: Rewrote the VeinMine algorithm to be more efficient, and more accurate and precise when breaking veins
* |-> The algorithm no longer checks unnecessary blocks
* |-> Cubic areas are no longer calculated. Instead, only blocks relative to the vein are considered
* |-> Compacted algorithm size to roughly 20 lines, rather than the previous 200
* Adding/Removing blocks from the list via command no longer requires case sensitivity
* Changed the "MaxRadius" config option to "MaxVeinSize", and changed the default value to 20
* Used proper .name() vs .toString() enum conventions
* Modified the Fortune pickaxe handling to be more efficient / clean
* Fixed ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException from using Fortune on a vein (Surprised no one reported this)
* Made integer randomization more efficient and finalized
* Changed configuration loading onEnable to be more efficient
* Cut a couple of methods down to be simpler
* Fixed NullPointerException when VeinMining with an empty hand
* Fixed accidentally registering the block break listener twice? (Don't know what I was thinking)
* Moved the listener into a separate class to unclutter the main class
* Added a PlayerVeinMineEvent for the VeinMiner API (Developers are free to listen for this event as per usual)
* Added support for other plugins that may contain auto-smelt or other custom enchantments
----------, Apr 9, 2016
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,047,280
First Release: Sep 9, 2015
Last Update: Nov 9, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
80 ratings
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