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VeinMiner -----

Minecraft Forge's VeinMiner recreated for Spigot servers.

New config options, bug fixes, 3rd party enchantment support, and more!
This release includes some major codebase refactors, including a new standalone networking library (which, if you are a developer, you are able to now use for your own projects!), removal of server-sided platform abstraction, block lists being moved from the config.yml into the categories.yml, and so much more.

Changes (Bukkit)
  • Platform abstraction has been removed entirely, possibly improving server performance
  • Extracted the networking library into Networking
  • Block lists have moved from the config.yml file to the categories.yml file
    • It made no sense to have the block list be the only category-related setting not actually in the categories.yml, forcing configurations to have category ids defined twice, potentially causing misconfigurations, etc.
    • Existing config.yml and categories.yml files will be automatically migrated, you do not have to do anything!
    • The global RepairFriendly, MaxVeinSize, Cost, and DisabledWorlds still exist in the config.yml and still act as a default if not set in a category
  • The Hand category may now have its own separate configuration for RepairFriendly, MaxVeinSize, Cost, and DisabledWorlds like all other categories have
  • Categories with empty block lists are now registered, allowing for modification of the list in-game. An item list is still required, however (exception to Hand and All, which do not have item lists)
  • Added a CollectExperienceAtSource option in the config.yml to allow experience orbs to collect together at the source of a vein mine
    • This feature is similar to CollectItemsAtSource, only it collects experience dropped from blocks
    • This setting does not generate additional experience. It drops the exact same amount of experience as if a player mined each block individually
    • The setting will default to true for new configurations. When unset, it will default to the value of CollectItemsAtSource
  • Added OnlyDamageOnFirstBlock to prevent any damage calculations for any subsequent vein mined blocks
    • If set to true, damage calculations will only apply for the first block. For example, if you mine 64 blocks, your tool may only take up to 1 damage (but possibly 0 in the event it is enchanted with Unbreaking)
    • This setting will default to false as is the current behaviour of VeinMiner where damage calculations are applied to each block broken by vein miner. To better adhere to a vanilla style, false is recommended
  • Added /veinminer givetool <category> <item> [amount] to give the executing player a tool from the given category including all of its necessary data (namely, NBT)
    • This is a useful utility command for server administrators unsure how the NBT option works in the categories.yml. This will make the item for you rather than having to struggle with a complicated and otherwise undocumented /give command syntax
    • Permission: veinminer.command.givetool
  • Add better support for latest versions of AdvancedEnchantments and EcoEnchantments (thanks to @Auxilor @ThomasWega for their cooperation)
  • Renamed grass to short_grass in the default alias list (config.yml)
  • Reduced the default HungerModifier from 4.0 to 2.5, for a more forgiving hunger loss while vein mining
  • Optimized category NBT checking. No longer checks for items that don't have any NBT
  • Block list and other configuration parsing now uses the warning log level instead of info for visibility
  • Fixed the default pattern not correctly breaking blocks up to max size, especially apparent in non-cubic shapes
  • Fixed /veinminer import not correctly checking for permissions
  • Fixed /blocklist not correctly saving wildcard (*) entries to the config.yml
  • (#102) Fixed wildcard (*) block lists breaking all nearby blocks, even if they don't match the original one that was broken (e.g. breaking leaves, but leaves, logs, and even air being broken as well instead of just other leaves)
  • (#93) Fixed block break order being unpredictable, resulting in strange break patterns when vein mining with low tool durability
  • (GC-spigot/AdvancedEnchantments#3586) Fixed crash with AdvancedEnchantments' enchantments that perform block breaks
  • Fixed the All block list not working as expected (or at all, for that matter)
  • Fixed economy support failing based on load order of economy plugins. Economies are now lazily initialized. You will receive a warning in the console the first time a player vein mines if an economy plugin is not present but a Cost is set
Change (Bukkit, Developers)
So much of VeinMiner's codebase changed in this update that the likelihood of your extensions or API-reliant plugins being broken is extremely high. You will likely need to update any plugins that depend on VeinMiner. For the most part, anything that was previously an abstract platform type is now a Bukkit type.

Changes (Fabric)
This version of Fabric does not contain any protocol changes and is still compatible with old versions of VeinMiner. Updating just gets you some nice bug fixes!
  • Extracted the networking library into Networking
  • Vein mining wireframes will now update if the block at which the client is looking changes, usually by way of /setblock or silverfish leaving infested stone
    • e.g. the block changes from minecraft:diamond_ore to minecraft:stone, which by default would mean the client can no longer vein mine
  • Increased the scale of the pattern selection wheel by 10% for readability
  • Added a profiling section for wireframe rendering
  • Reduced the amount of stack transformations made when rendering the pattern selection wheel
  • Fixed HUD elements not rendering in a dev environment
  • Fixed the pattern wheel's fade in & out animation flickering on occasion
  • (#103) Fixed rare NullPointerException crash due to invalid pattern selection from the server
See the GitHub release notes here.

General News
I've finally enabled GitHub Sponsors! I've provided VeinMiner for free to the community for nearly 10 years, and in that time I've accrued some expenses, specifically for servers, domains, and SSL certificates to host my development server. While a donation nor sponsorship is required, I would greatly appreciate the support and you can now do so on my sponsor page. Thank you for sticking with me for this long enjoy this update! There's more to come!
----------, Feb 17, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,047,280
First Release: Sep 9, 2015
Last Update: Nov 9, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
80 ratings
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