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VeinMiner -----

Minecraft Forge's VeinMiner recreated for Spigot servers.

Custom Keybinds & Wildcards!

CUSTOM KEYBINDS ARE HERE!!! Kind of... A brief explanation of VeinMiner is that it's an exclusively server-sided mod (appropriately named, plugin. As are all other Bukkit plugins). The client, unfortunately, does not send the server information about what keys are pressed, only that an action has occurred as a result of a key press. Therefore, custom keybinds for VeinMiner were impossible. However, that does not stop users from installing an OPTIONAL client-sided mod to allow for that functionality, so that's what this update includes!

  • Added support for VeinMiner4Bukkit to allow custom keybinds from an optional Fabric mod
  • Added a new activation mode, /veinminer mode client
  • Added DefaultActivationStrategy to the config file to set the default activation strategy when a player joins and has not yet explicitly set one. Defaults to SNEAK
  • Added numerous configuration options for client-exclusive functionality:
    • Client.AllowClientActivation: true - Whether or not VeinMiner4Bukkit can be used on the server
    • Client.DisallowedMessage: [] - The message(s) to send if the client has VeinMiner4Bukkit installed but AllowClientActivation is set to false
    • Client.SuggestClientModPeriod: "1d" - The time period when a player should be reminded... i.e. only reminded every 1 day. (format: 1w2d3h4m5s, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds respectively). Set to -1 to not remind the player.
    • Client.SuggestionMessage: [] - The message(s) to send to remind the player of the client mod
  • Added DisabledGameModes configuration option to set which game modes should not be allowed to vein mine. Defaults to creative and spectator mode.
    • Consequently, fixes being unable to vein mine in adventure mode
  • Added support for wildcard blocks in blocklists. Adding * to a blocklist will now allow you to vein mine any block or block state. States are ignored while vein mining, it's equivalent to a stateless block.
  • Add PlayerClientActivateVeinMinerEvent called when a player's keybind has been pressed or released. This event is only called if the client-sided mod is installed and may be cancelled

Fabric Mod


Your users now have the option to install a client-sided Fabric mod to activate VeinMiner on your server. This is harmless and no different than sneak activation, only it allows clients to configure the button themselves. Do not fret, this mod is optional and not required to use VeinMiner on your server. You may suggest that your players install it with Fabric, or instead you may let them use VeinMiner as they have been for the last 5 or so years this plugin has existed.

You may find the VeinMiner4Bukkit Fabric mod here:
----------, Jan 23, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,047,280
First Release: Sep 9, 2015
Last Update: Nov 9, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
80 ratings
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