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VeinMiner -----

Minecraft Forge's VeinMiner recreated for Spigot servers.

Backend Rewrites, Bug Fixes & Large API Changes
This update fixes tons of issues and inconsistencies in VeinMiner that were present for quite some time. I never got around to fixing a lot of this code, and I finally found a good time to do it! This update should not be of interest to a lot of you because it's mainly composed of bug fixes and optimizations, but hey, who doesn't want some good optimizations in their plugins, right!? The less memory that VeinMiner uses, the better your server will be!

Do keep in mind that for most plugins hooking into VeinMiner, this update will break them. There are a bunch of changes to the public VeinMiner API, and developers WILL need to change their code. So if you have any resources that hook into VeinMiner, please inform them that there is an update and that changes will need to be made!

* Dropped Java 7 support, and started using some Java 8 features. Please update your server if you have not already
* Changed the way blocks and their information are stored in the backend
* Changed how players with VeinMiner disabled are stored
* Changed how the various tools are stored and referenced in the code. They are now managed on a per-block basis
* Optimized and refactored a good bit of older code that was now pointless with new API changes
* Fixed an issue regarding the adding / removal of blocks from the block list not updating properly
* Fixed blocks not being vein mined when they were on the list if they were being mined with a tool that resulted in no drop
* Fixed a few memory leaks regarding World instances. They are now stored by UUID, rather than by World instance
* API: Refactored a lot of internal workings of the code, including many class name changes, new methods, etc.
* API: Deprecated a bunch of methods in the VeinMinerManager, as they have been replaced by alternative methods
* API: Added a ton of new methods in the VeinTool and VeinBlock classes (They're actually useful now)
* API: Updated, refactored and clarified all Javadoc comments, as well as added a few missing docs
----------, Apr 28, 2017
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,047,280
First Release: Sep 9, 2015
Last Update: Nov 9, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
80 ratings
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